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The review Acta Universitatis Juridica, published with the help of the Law Faculty in 2005, has the mission to distribute, in the academic national and international environment, the results of scientific research of our teacher staff and collaborators by publishing studies of high theoretical and applied performance. This review is annually published and in its pages. The review intends to be a debating court for promoting the spread of ideas and for widening the dialogue in a European scientific spirit. The thematic studies will encompass legal doctrine, jurisprudence, philosophy and law, the debates, the notable results of scientific investigations or the reviews to genuine theoretical successes. The Alabama Law Review, now approaching its sixty-first volume, is building on a rich tradition of scholarship aimed at exploring issues of national as well as local significance to scholars, legislators, jurists, and practitioners. The Alaska Law Review is a scholarly publication that examines legal issues affecting the state of Alaska. It is composed of second and third year law students from Duke University School of Law, and governed by a faculty advisor committee. ALB is the only independent magazine dedicated to the latest legal news, events and developments in Australia, Hong Kong, Singapore, China, Asia and the international business community. With a circulation throughout Australia, Hong Kong, Singapore, China, along with parts of Japan, Taiwan and Korea, ALB is the region's most effective way to reach all the major lawyers, corporate counsel and business leaders. With coverage on all the important and emerging areas of practice and business, ALB provides the most updated legal and business news from in and around the region. The American Criminal Law Review is the nation's premier journal of criminal law. The ACLR is the most-cited criminal law review in the nation, and it also ranks among the country's 30 most-cited law reviews of any kind. The American Journal Of Criminal Law continues to contribute to three decades of articles published to promote and encourage improvement in the administration of criminal justice. The Journal has established a respected reputation as one of the nation's longest running and most prolific legal serial publications, serving as vanguard to top student-edited legal journals devoted to criminal law. The American Law Review is a free non-commercial service chartered in 1970 and dedicated to the advancement of academic, professional and public legal education. The ALR welcomes submissions from legal scholars and practitioners. The American University Law Review ("Law Review") is the oldest and largest student-run publication at American University, Washington College of Law. The Law Review receives approximately 2,500 submissions from outside authors each year and publishes articles from professors, judges, practicing lawyers, and renowned legal thinkers. AntePodium is a peer-reviewed journal dedicated to scholarly research on the politico-strategic, politico-economic and politico-cultural dimensions of world affairs. In existence since 1995, it is one of the first ever online academic journals. It encourages the development of critical, subversive, and innovative theoretical approaches to the study of world affairs. The APLPJ is a web-based, American legal journal covering issues in Asia and the Pacific Rim. Our objectives are to disseminate legal research by law professors, legal practitioners, social scientists, economists, and students; to increase awareness of legal issues impacting the region; and to provide a forum to discuss legal topics that fall within the Journal's geographic scope. The California Law Review was founded in 1912. At that time the Review was the first student law journal published west of Illinois. The publication of this, the ninth law review in the country, prompted the venerable Dean Wigmore of Northwestern University to condemn the proliferation of law reviews that was suffocating legal debate. The Alberta Law Review is published quarterly by the Alberta Law Review Society, a nonprofit group of law students from the University of Alberta and the University of Calgary. The Alberta Law Review has been published continuously since 1955 and is the successor to the Alberta Law Quarterly which was established in 1934. Founded in 1982, Cardozo Arts & Entertainment Law Journal (AELJ) was the first and remains the preeminent journal of its type in the country. Appearing three times a year, AELJ publishes a wide variety of works concerning the First Amendment, intellectual property, entertainment, and communications law. It stays on the cutting edge of quickly evolving areas of the law, publishing timely articles and sponsoring symposia. As Cardozo Law Review's online companion journal, de?novo is designed to promote discourse regarding current legal topics, as well as academic matters, through the publication of shorter (10-25 pages maximum) and more targeted pieces. Responding to the growing demand for a discussion forum on these issues, the Carbon & Climate Law Review strikes a balance between the interests of practitioners, notably those engaged in the rapidly evolving carbon market, and a more doctrinal focus, alternating legal policy recommendations with timely articles on legal aspects of carbon trading and other dimensions of greenhouse gas regulation. The Law Review emphasizes developing its members' scholarly legal writing through a comprehensive, one-year writing program. Each issue of the Law Review showcases several of the best student works. The Connecticut Insurance Law Journal is the world's only academic law review dedicated exclusively to the publication of original research on the law relating to insurance, risk and responsibility. Now in its twelfth year, the Journal has succeeded in attracting articles that are theoretically sophisticated and of practical importance. In the coming year, the Journal will experiment with new formats that will make the Journal even more useful to both lawyers and scholars. The Connecticut Law Review is the oldest, largest, and most active student-run organization at the University of Connecticut School of Law. The organization's primary goal is to publish the Connecticut Law Review, a high quality journal of interest to the general legal community. Today, the journal has a circulation that spans all 50 states as well as 13 foreign countries. Founded in 1915, the Cornell Law Review is a student-run and student-edited journal that strives to publish novel scholarship that will have an immediate and lasting impact on the legal community. The Cornell Law Review publishes six issues annually consisting of articles, essays, book reviews, and student notes. The Duke Environmental Law & Policy Forum began in 1991 as an interdisciplinary magazine published annually. Since then, the Forum has grown into an environmental law journal, taking on a format normal to legal scholarship. DELPF has retained its interdisciplinary roots and presents scholarship that examines environmental issues by drawing on legal, scientific, economic, and public policy resources. DELPF?s affiliations with the Nicholas School for the Environment and Earth Sciences, the Terry Sanford Institute for Public Policy, and the Law School render it uniquely positioned to adapt to the increasingly interdisciplinary nature of environmental law. Duke Journal of Comparative and International Law is published each spring and fall. DJCIL is a very influential, specialized journal devoted exclusively to the issues of comparative and international law. The Duke Journal of Gender Law & Policy is an interdisciplinary publication devoted to a discussion of gender, sexuality, race, and class in the context of law and public policy. Our mission is to foster debate, to publish work largely overlooked by other law reviews, and to encourage scholarship outside the bounds of conventional law school curricula. In doing so, we take an expansive view of law, engaging other disciplines including literature, sociology, anthropology, psychology, politics, and critical theory. Our goal is not only to explore what the law was and is, but what it could and should be. The Duke Law & Technology Review (DLTR) is an online legal publication that focuses on the evolving intersection of law and technology. This area of study draws on a number of legal specialties: intellectual property, business law, free speech and privacy, telecommunications, and criminal law?each of which is undergoing doctrinal and practical changes as a result of new and emerging technologies. DLTR strives to be a ?review? in the classic sense of the word. We examine new developments, synthesize them around larger theoretical issues, and critically examine the implications. We also review and consolidate recent cases, proposed bills, and administrative policies. The first issue of what was to become the Duke Law Journal was published in March 1951 as the Duke Bar Journal. Created to provide a medium for student expression, the Duke Bar Journal consisted entirely of student-written and student-edited work until 1953, when it began publishing faculty contributions. To reflect the inclusion of faculty scholarship, the Duke Bar Journal became the Duke Law Journal in 1957. In 1969, the Journal published its inaugural Administrative Law Symposium issue, a tradition that continues today. The very first issue of East Asian Law Journal has been published in March, . Our initial publication is divided into five sections. The first section relates to the law issue of East Asian areas: Em. Prof. Christian Starck not only ponders on the origin of law but also compares the adoptions of law in Germany, Japan and Taiwan. Published three times a year in association with the Ecclesiastical Law Society, the Journal publishes articles on all aspects of ecclesiastical law. Particular emphasis is given to the regulation of the Church of England and worldwide Anglican Communion, but the range of coverage includes comparative studies of the laws of other faiths and of the interface between law and religion in a global perspective. Through its regular Comment section, the Ecclesiastical Law Journal provides a critical analysis of emergent trends written by distinguished scholars and practitioners in Europe and North America. The Journal also includes book reviews and summaries of recent ecclesiastical cases determined by both secular and church courts, together with a parliamentary report, a brief summary of the proceedings of national Synods, and summaries of major international conferences. The European Food and Feed Law Review offers an intellectual forum for jurisprudence led by experts in the field of food and feed law. As food regulations are evolving at national and international level, it is the purpose of EFFL to deal in a comparative and problem-oriented way with the effective implementation of European food and feed law in the 27 Member States. Editors and authors from different European countries, international organisations and institutions provide for a comprehensive approach and a wide range of topics on recent developments in food and feed law. The journal contains specialist essays from science and everyday practice as well as information on national and European legislation and court decisions. A news section announces upcoming conferences and other important events. Published since 1984 and the only student-run bankruptcy journal in the United States, the Emory Bankruptcy Developments Journal publishes semi-annually and hosts a symposium in the spring. This widely-read journal provides a forum for research, debate, and information for practitioners, scholars and the public. The European Public Private Partnership Law Review is an international quarterly journal that provides the reader with detailed coverage of all significant developments in the PPP area across the European Union and beyond. Leading authorities from private practice and academia will report on EU Member States' legal and policy developments and new approaches to PPP delivery across the world. The journal offers legislation analysis and critique, case-law annotations, green and white papers' comments and industry studies. EStAL was established in 2002 as the first pan-European publication for State aid law and is still recognized as the leading journal in its field today. EStAL?s successful philosophy is to serve as a forum for open dialogue and reflection on State aid law and policy for and between academics, judges, Commission and Member States officials and private practitioners. This philosophy shows in the composition of the editorial board and translates to the selection of authors and commentators and EStAL?s circle of readers in particular. EStAL accordingly offers a balanced mix of high-quality legal analysis, concise information and pointed opinion pieces on State aid law and policy from diverse backgrounds to the benefit of all those dealing with State aid issues on a regular basis. The European Business Organization Law Review (EBOR) is a leading European publication addressing all legal aspects of business organization. The journal serves as a platform for articles, case-notes and book reviews to stimulate scholarly debate and to reflect the speed of how developments in the field translate into substantive law. Relying on scholars and business people, lawyers, economists and other disciplines, and with an international editorial board, the journal looks at the whole range of problems relevant to business activities and the corresponding national, European Community and international legal rules. The journal will be of interest both to academia and practitioners in law and business, as well as political and social scientists. The European Constitutional Law Review (EuConst), a peer reviewed English language journal, is a platform for advancing the study of European constitutional law, its history and evolution. Its scope is European law and constitutional law, history and theory, comparative law and jurisprudence. Published triannually, it contains articles on doctrine, scholarship and history, plus jurisprudence and book reviews. However, the premier issue includes more than twenty short articles by leading experts, each addressing a single topic in the Draft Constitutional Treaty for Europe. EuConst is addressed at academics, professionals, politicians and others involved or interested in the European constitutional process. Its Editorial Advisory Board is composed of eminent members in the field of constitutional studies from across the Continent in its new EU format. EELC is a new magazine with information on national judgments that are of interest to employment specialists in the European member states. The publication focuses on national judgments of EU member states but also contains brief references to recent ECJ cases. he Florida State University Law Review is the flagship legal journal at Florida State Law. The members of the Florida State University Law Review publish this journal four times a year at Florida State Law. Each issue contains scholarly articles authored by judges, scholars, clerks, attorneys and law students from around the globe. The Review is staffed and edited by students of Florida State Law. the Georgetown International Environmental Law Review (GIELR). GIELR is published four times a year by students of the Georgetown University Law Center, serving the interests of international environmental legal practitioners and scholars. The Georgetown Journal of Gender and the Law is in its ninth year of publication. The mission of the Journal is to explore the impact of gender, sexuality, and race on both the theory and practice of law. The Journal complements a long tradition of feminist scholarship and advocacy at the Law Center. As you may know, Georgetown established the first sex discrimination clinic in the country. The Law Center also boasts one of the nation's most prestigious feminist legal faculties. The Journal seeks to complement the critical work being done by existing feminist journals while expanding inquiries into the intersection between gender, sexuality, and race. The Georgetown Journal of International Law, formerly known as Law and Policy in International Business, is one of the nation's top international law journals. The Journal publishes four issues annually that serve as an invaluable resource to scholars, corporate and international bars, and practitioners. The Journal also provides a preeminent educational opportunity for students to gain a greater understanding of a wide range of international topics while working with leading scholars in the field. The Georgetown Journal of Law & Public Policy, published bi-annually by students of the Georgetown University Law Center. GJLPP is a scholarly legal journal with a focus on conservative, libertarian, and natural law thought. Though the bulk of our content will either advocate or critique conservative, libertarian, or natural law positions, our Washington location allows us to stay abreast of all areas of law and public policy. We hope that practitioners, professors, judges, and students of all stripes will enjoy reading and submitting to GJLPP. The Georgetown Journal of Legal Ethics is published by the students of Georgetown University Law Center. The Georgetown Journal on Poverty Law and Policy is the nation's premier law journal on poverty issues. As part of its mission to bring an end to the desperate conditions afflicting so many in this wealthy nation, the Journal publishes articles from distinguished law professors and practitioners in poverty-related fields. In addition, the Journal features student research, works from scholars in poverty-related disciplines, and the "voices" of persons living in poverty. The Journal's unique, comprehensive, and multidisciplinary approach to poverty issues and law represents a groundbreaking approach to scholarly publication. The Georgetown Law Journal's six annual issues serve as an important forum for the legal community. The Journal publishes articles on timely issues by professors and practitioners, solicits reviews of recent books, coordinates symposia on important topics, and produces thoughtful student notes. The Harvard Civil Rights-Civil Liberties Law Review (CR-CL) is the nation?s leading progressive law journal. Founded in 1966 as an instrument to advance personal freedoms and human dignities, CR-CL seeks to catalyze progressive thought and dialogue through publishing innovative legal scholarship and from various perspectives and in diverse fields of study. The Harvard Environmental Law Review (HELR) has been published semi-annually, in winter and spring, since 1976. HELR publishes articles on a broad range of environmental affairs, such as land use; air, water, and noise regulation; toxic substances control; radiation control; energy use; workspace pollution; science and technology control; and resource use and regulation. HELR draws upon environmental experts from government, academia, private practice, industry and public interest groups to cover legal developments at the local, state, federal, foreign, and international levels. The Harvard Human Rights Journal was founded in 1988 and has since endeavored to be a site for a broad spectrum of scholarship on international and domestic human rights issues. The Journal publishes a range of original scholarly works on human rights issues of contemporary relevance, and in the past has featured pieces on subjects as diverse as refugee asylum law, female prisoner?s rights, rights of child soldiers, oil and the role of the World Bank, detention, rendition, and domestic violence. The ILJ publishes articles on international, comparative, and foreign law, the role of international law in U.S. courts, and the international ramifications of U.S. domestic law. These articles are written by the most prominent scholars and practitioners in the field and have been recognized as important contributions to the development of international law. ILJ articles have been cited in decisions by the United States Supreme Court, European Court of Justice, International Court of Justice, Iran-United States Claims Tribunal, and World Trade Organization Dispute Panels. Founded in 1977 and currently working on its thirty-second volume, the Harvard Journal of Law and Gender (originally the Harvard Women?s Law Journal) is the nation?s oldest continuously publishing feminist law journal. The JLG is devoted to the advancement of feminist jurisprudence and the study of law and gender. By combining political, economic, historical, sociological, and legal perspectives, we seek to clarify legal issues that have gendered aspects and implications, and to confront new challenges to full social equality. Our journal also explores the interconnections between race, class, sexuality, and gender in the law. The Harvard Journal of Law & Public Policy is published three times annually by the Harvard Society for Law & Public Policy, Inc. an organization of Harvard Law School students. The Journal is one of the most widely circulated student-edited law reviews and the nation?s leading forum for conservative and libertarian legal scholarship. The late Stephen Eberhard and former Senator and Secretary of Energy E. Spencer Abraham founded the journal twenty-eight years ago and many journal alumni have risen to prominent legal positions in the government and at the nation?s top law firms. The Harvard Journal on Legislation is the nation?s premier legal journal focused on the analysis of legislation and the legislative process. First published in 1964, the Journal on Legislation is the third oldest journal at Harvard Law School, after the Harvard Law Review and the International Law Journal. Now in its 47th volume, the Journal is published semi-annually, in winter and summer. For 25 years, the Harvard BlackLetter Law Journal has been home to legal scholarship exploring the contemporary and historic challenges facing all racial and ethnic minorities. is a year of new beginnings, and we feel it is time for the journal's title to more accurately reflect the breadth of its subject matter. Thus, we adopt a new name: The Harvard Journal on Racial and Ethnic Justice. It is with some hesitation that we make this change, lest we seem too eager to discard the title's connection to BLJ's first incarnation as the Black Law Students' Association newsletter. The Harvard Latino Law Review provides a forum for the scholarly discussion of legal issues affecting Latinos and Latinas in the United States. Recent articles have addressed issues including racial profiling, the English-only movement, the paradox of the alien-citizen, and the future of Latino legal scholarship. HLLR is an annual publication. The Harvard Law Review is a student-run organization whose primary purpose is to publish a journal of legal scholarship. The Review comes out monthly from November through June and has roughly 2,000 pages per volume. The organization is formally independent of the Harvard Law School. Student editors make all editorial and organizational decisions and, together with a professional business staff of three, carry out day-to-day operations. A circulation of about 8,000 enables the Review to pay all of its own expenses. International trends highlight the confluence of economics, politics and legal considerations in the health policy process. Health Economics, Policy and Law serves as a forum for scholarship on health policy issues from these perspectives, and is of use to academics, policy makers and health care managers and professionals. HEPL is international in scope, publishes both theoretical and applied work, and contains articles on all aspects of health policy. Considerable emphasis is placed on rigorous conceptual development and analysis, and on the presentation of empirical evidence that is relevant to the policy process. International & Comparative Law Quarterly (ICLQ) publishes papers on public and private international law and also comparative law. It has maintained its pre-eminence as one of the earliest and most important journals of its kind, encompassing human rights and European law. The journal encourages innovative and original articles that explore the interconnectedness between the legal subject areas, moving across the boundaries that divide the law in a way that provides vital analysis at a time when formal distinctions, in scholarship and between jurisdictions, are becoming less relevant. The ICLQ attracts scholarship of the highest standard from around the world, which contributes to the maintenance of its truly international frame of reference. The 'Shorter Articles, Comments, and Notes' and 'Current Developments' sections particularly enable the discussion of highly topical legal issues. International Journal of Cultural Property provides a vital, international, and multidisciplinary forum for the broad spectrum of views surrounding cultural property, cultural heritage, and related issues. Its mission is to develop new ways of dealing with cultural property debates, to be a venue for the proposal or enumeration of pragmatic policy suggestions, and to be accessible to a wide audience of professionals, academics, and lay readers. This peer-reviewed journal publishes original research papers, case notes, documents of record, chronicles, conference reports, and book reviews. Contributions come from the wide variety of fields implicated in the debates - law, anthropology, public policy, archaeology, art history, preservation, ethics, economics, museum-, tourism-, and heritage studies - and from a variety of perspectives and interests - indigenous, Western, and non-Western; academic, professional and amateur; consumers and producers - to promote meaningful discussion of the complexities, competing values, and other concerns that form the environment within which these disputes exist. International Journal of Law in Context provides a forum for interdisciplinary legal studies and offers intellectual space for ground-breaking critical research. It publishes contextual work about law and its relationship with other disciplines including but not limited to science, literature, humanities, philosophy, sociology, psychology, ethics, history and geography. The journal aims to explore and expand the boundaries of law and legal studies. The International Review of the Red Cross is a quarterly published by the International Committee of the Red Cross (ICRC) and Cambridge University Press. It is a forum for debate on international humanitarian law and humanitarian action and policy, during armed conflict and other situations of violence. During the past 50 years Journal of African Law has established itself as the leading journal in its field. Its wide coverage encompasses the laws of sub-Saharan African countries. Its authoritative and thought-provoking articles address contemporary legal issues and highlight issues of international and comparative significance. The journal contains a separate section on recent legislation, case-law, law reform proposals and recent international developments affecting Africa. Journal of African Law is essential reading for academics, professional lawyers, development workers and policy-makers. The Journal of Law and Economics publishes research on a broad range of topics including the economic analysis of regulation and the behavior of regulated firms, the political economy of legislation and legislative processes, law and finance, corporate finance and governance, and industrial organization. The Journal has published some of the most influential and widely cited articles in these areas. It is an invaluable resource for academics as well as those interested in cutting-edge analysis of current public policy issues. The Journal of Law and Religion is an international, interdisciplinary forum committed to studying law in its social context, including moral and religious views of law and life. A recognized source for policymakers, scholars, and educators, its subscription base represents six continents and includes over 390 law and theological libraries, including Yale University Law School Library, the Hebrew University of Jerusalem in Israel, Baha'i World Centre Library, Fondation du Roi Abdul Aziz Al Saoud, Sharjah University, and the U.S. Supreme Court. The Journal of Legal Studies is a journal of interdisciplinary academic research into law and legal institutions. It emphasizes social science approaches, especially those of economics, political science, and psychology, but it also publishes the work of historians, philosophers, and others who are interested in legal theory. The JLS was founded in 1972. The Journal of Science & Technology Law (the Journal), publishes the best practical scholarship from experts in the areas of biotechnology, computers and communications, intellectual property, technology transfer and business law for technology-based companies. The Journal is currently available in print as well as online at our web page. The Journal is published by fifty second and third-year students from Boston University School of Law. Law and Contemporary Problems is a quarterly, interdisciplinary publication of Duke Law School. Recognizing that many fields in the sciences, social sciences, and humanities conduct research and analysis that can contribute to the improvement of law, L reviews of important recent books; and student-written notes. The Journal is currently the tenth most cited international and comparative law journal in federal and state cases in the United States and the twelfth most cited by law journals. TJWL is an innovative, student-edited journal dedicated to publishing legal scholarship that explores the intersection of culture, race, and socio-economics with gender. We celebrate the advances made by advocates and seek to enhance the relationship between theoretical and practical perspectives by promoting discourse on gender and the law issues. Texas Law Review is a national and international leader in legal scholarship. Texas Law Review is an independent journal, edited and published entirely by students at the University of Texas School of Law. Our seven issues per year contain articles by professors, judges, and practitioners, reviews of important recent books from recognized experts, essays, commentaries, and student written notes. Texas Law Review is currently the ninth most cited legal periodical in the United States. The Texas Review of Law & Politics publishes thoughtful and intellectually rigorous conservative articles--articles that traditional law reviews often fail to publish--that can serve as blueprints for constructive legal reform. The journal aims to serve as the prime forum for the discussion and debate of contemporary social issues such as constitutional history, affirmative action, crime, federalism, and religious issues. To this end, the journal welcomes the submission of manuscripts from legal practitioners, academics and students. The Cambridge Law Journal publishes articles on all aspects of law. Special emphasis is placed on contemporary developments, but the journal's range includes jurisprudence and legal history. An important feature of the journal is the Case and Comment section, in which members of the Cambridge Law Faculty and other distinguished contributors analyze recent judicial decisions, new legislation and current law reform proposals. The articles and case notes are designed to have the widest appeal to those interested in the law - whether as practitioners, students, teachers, judges or administrators - and to provide an opportunity for them to keep abreast of new ideas and the progress of legal reform. Each issue also contains an extensive section of book reviews. The Rutgers Race & The Law Review provides a forum for scholarship and dialogue on race, ethnicity, and the law. Established in 1996, it is the second journal in the nation to focus on the broad spectrum of multicultural issues. It addresses the concerns of people of color and covers various types of political ideologies, philosophies, and religions. The Tax Lawyer endeavors to provide scholarly articles and student notes and comments on topics of professional interest to members of the Section of Taxation and other readers. The Akron Law Review is a scholarly legal publication of the University of Akron C. Blake McDowell Law Center that produces an annual volume of four issues for use by scholars, practitioners, and judges. We accept articles on all issues. Also, we devote one issue every year to intellectual property issues. Prior symposiums have focused on complex litigation, elder law, judicial elections, and education law. The University of Baltimore Intellectual Property Law Journal serves as a forum for the exchange of ideas and information related to intellectual property. The University of Chicago Law Review first appeared in 1933, thirty-one years after the Law School offered its first classes. Since then the Law Review has continued to serve as a forum for the expression of ideas of leading professors, judges, and practitioners, as well as students, and as a training ground for University of Chicago Law School students. The association of the Vermont Journal of Environmental Law (VJEL) engages and educates the legal, policy, and public communities through its Journal, other publications, online dialogue, and symposia on a broad range of environmental law and policy issues affecting local, aboriginal, national, and global communities. VJEL is the environmental law journal of the Vermont Law School, the United States' leading environmental law school. VJEL publishes both online and in print. The World Trade Review was established at the initiative of the Secretariat of the World Trade Organization (WTO) in close cooperation with Cambridge University Press. It is an independent journal - the Editor and all but one member of the Editorial Board are drawn from university faculties - that includes articles written from economic, legal, political and inter-disciplinary perspectives on issues of relevance to the multilateral trading system. Priority is given to papers that, along with being academically rigorous, are also accessible to government policy officials and the wider public. The journal also includes shorter articles seeking to rebut or challenge published papers. The Yale Journal of Health Policy, Law, and Ethics is a biannual publication of the Yale Schools of Law, Medicine, Epidemiology and Public Health, and Nursing. The Journal strives to provide a forum for interdisciplinary discussion on topics in health policy, health law, and biomedical ethics. It targets a broad and diverse readership of academicians, professionals, and students in medicine, law, and public health, as well as policy makers and legislators in health care. The Yale Journal of International Law (YJIL) is one of the world's preeminent international law journals. Twice a year, YJIL publishes articles, essays, notes, and commentary on a wide range of subjects in the fields of international, transnational, and comparative law. Since November , the Journal has published shorter analytical essays in YJIL Online, an online companion journal. In both its print and online editions, the Journal is committed to publishing cutting-edge, provocative, and thoughtful scholarship at the forefront of the field. YJoLT is the only law review at Yale Law School to offer a fully interactive publication environment, as well as the only Yale law review to study the immensely important interaction between law and technology. We publish lectures and articles related to law and technology biannually. In the twenty years since its inception, the Yale Journal of Law & the Humanities has become a premier forum for articulating the vital intersections between law and the liberal arts. Grounded in the ever-deepening awareness that interdisciplinary investigation is crucial to an understanding of both the law and our culture, the Journal provides a unique intellectual arena for encounters between law and a variety of disciplines. The Yale Journal of Law and Feminism is committed to publishing pieces about women's experiences, especially as they have been structured, affected, controlled, discussed, or ignored by the law. These experiences include the particular experiences of women of color and of lesbians. We encourage submissions of articles, essays, and reviews on any subject bearing upon the intersection of law and feminism. We have organized the Journal to reflect our feminist values: we make major decisions collectively, by modified consensus. We encourage one another to speak at meetings and strive to ensure that all members feel comfortable participating. The Yale Journal on Regulation is a law journal that publishes in-depth scholarly articles by professors and legal practitioners twice a year, on a rich array of topics including: corporate/securities, financial regulation, environment, energy, utilities, health care, telecommunications, bankruptcy, tax, information technology, antitrust. Respected by academics and attorneys alike, the Yale Journal on Regulation is one of the top 20 specialized law journals in the United States. Founded in 1982, the Yale Law & Policy Review (YLPR) is a semi-annual publication dedicated to publishing scholarly articles and essays by law professors, as well as timely policy proposals and legal analyses by judges, policymakers, and practitioners. In recent issues, YLPR authors have addressed a wide range of issues at the intersection of law and policy including government secrecy, health care reform, and preventing genocide. The Yale Law Journal is published eight times a year (monthly from October through June, excluding February) by The Yale Law Journal Company, Inc. he Yale Law Journal Online is the online companion to The Yale Law Journal. It replaces The Pocket Part, which was the first such companion to be published by a leading law review. YLJ Online will continue The Pocket Part's mission of augmenting the scholarship printed in The Yale Law Journal by providing original Essays, legal commentaries, responses to articles printed in the Journal, podcast and iTunes University recordings of various pieces, and other works by both established and emerging academics and practitioners. The Yearbook of International Humanitarian Law provides a truly international forum for high-quality, peer-reviewed articles, commentaries on current developments, reports on state practice, and documentation that have international humanitarian law as their focal point. All aspects of international law applicable during international and non-international armed conflicts are covered, in addition to interesting and significant developments in related fields, such as international peace and security, international criminal law, human rights law, disarmament law and refugee law, inter alia. Distinguished by its topicality and contemporary relevance, the Yearbook bridges the gap between theory and practice and serves as a useful reference tool for scholars, practitioners, military personnel, civil servants, diplomats, human rights workers and students.
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