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window tinting laws

#Tinted Windows

Tinted Windows

Before you decide to tint the windows of your vehicle, ensure that you are aware of the restrictions that apply.

  • No material substance that darkens the glass may be applied or sprayed on the windshield. A strip no more than 15 cm wide may however be placed along the upper edge of the windshield;
  • Windows on either side of the driver must let in at least 70% of light when measured with a photometer.

Remember, the inside of a vehicle and its occupants must be able to be identified. Deeply tinted windows:

  • reduce a driver's field of vision;
  • make it difficult to see contrasts;
  • affect a driver's night vision.

The above tinting restrictions do not apply to the rear side windows or the rear window itself.


If the front side windows of your vehicle let in less than 70% of light, you are liable to a fine. Here are two examples:

A police officer pulls over your vehicle and takes a photometric reading of the front side windows. The windows let in less than 70% of light. The officer issues a statement of offence to you. The fine may vary as follows:
  • The driver and owner of a passenger vehicle: $154 to $274
  • Driver of a heavy vehicle: $125 to $344
  • Owner of a heavy vehicle: $249 to $663
  • Example 2 A police officer pulls over your vehicle and issues a notice for inspection of the front side windows of your vehicle, which requires you to go to a road vehicle inspection agent approved by the SAAQ. Failure to undergo an inspection exposes you to a $438 to $865 fine. If the inspection agent certifies that the windows fail to comply with the law, a notice is issued requiring the owner or driver to make the necessary changes within 48 hours. After the 48-hour time limit, the inspection agent is again required to verify if the windows meet standards. If corrections are not made within the specified deadline, the vehicle must be removed from the road. If you continue to drive the vehicle, you may:
    • be issued a violation notice and be liable to a $154 to $274 fine for each failure to comply;
    • be required to have your vehicle removed from the road at your expense until photometric testing certifies that the vehicle windows meet standards.
  • 1 - These amounts are subject to change and include fines provided under the Highway Safety Code, registry fees and a contribution to IVAC. (Please note that additional fees may apply).

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