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law library online

#Free Legal Forms - Law Dictionary

If you're smart and / or on your first visit you'll want one of our beautiful Library Cards. Hey, Don't Worry! It's FREE there's NO REGISTRATION or forms to fill out! Just come with me on a short tour that'll explain the basics so you don't get lost or in trouble when you're on your own. And since I revise it at least constantly I urge you "regulars" to come along for a refresher.

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OK, follow me for my 'LECTRIC LAW LIBRARY TOUR Oh yeah! If you see some scrofulous, shady looking characters inside, don't freak-out or call the net-police. They're just lawyers or judges, and are usually quite harmless. outside a courtroom.

Si a jure discedas vagus eris, et erunt omnia omnibus incerta. --

If you depart from the law, you'll wander without a guide, and everything will be uncertain to everyone.

Informative and entertaining. Who could ask for anything more from a Web site. a first-rate Web site that should be in the bookmark file of lawyers non-lawyers alike. - ABA's Law Practice Mgmt

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The link to your page was worth all the ABA dues I've paid for 20 years. I want to have your children. - Lawyer/Author

Offers a vast and often valuable collection of legal resources and original content. - MN Journal of Law Politics

Well-organized, truly useful, and, dare we say it, fun. - McKinley Reviews

WWW Top 1000, Top 5% Award Top 10 of the Week - Lycos/Point

NetGuide Platinum Award ** SpinnWebe Creative Awards

Lunar Law Links Award ** The KoolSite Award

If not for the Library I'd be a convicted maniac instead of a rich investment banker. - C. Manson

If someone told me about the Library before the election I'd be President today. - M. Romney

The Library's considerably better than sex. with Hillary. - W. Clinton

It almost makes me want to read the Constitution. - Antonin Scalia

It's even better than butchering ex-wives! - O. Simpson

It's why I won the 2000 election. - G.W.Bush

It's why I won the 2000 election. - A. Gore

Note: It's possible this last bunch may be cruel hoaxes perpetrated by envious miscreants.

This Site's Optimized for Internet Explorer v. 821,603 -- Set Telepathy Mode to '7z' and Orgasmatron Mode to 'OFF'.

Be Aware that Other Browsers may Create the Misperception that the Law isn't Always Consistent, Fair, Logical Just.

The Library has been Certified "FAMILY FRIENDLY" [by the Manson, Addams Homer Simpson families]

WARNING. The Library has been Designated a PsychoHazard by U.N. Joint Resolution #10186 WARNING.

Views: 430 | Added by: mega_tyfuk-1982 | Tags: Law, Free, Dictionary, Legal, forms | Rating: 0.0/0
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