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#Forms - U of MN Law School

Address/Name Change

Bar Application and Certificate of Graduation

Bar Applications

Applying for the bar in Minnesota and other states is an extensive and time-consuming process. Admission requirements vary by state, and students are urged to research the requirements, timelines, and standards for the bar(s) of the state(s) in which they intend to apply at least six months in advance of the scheduled exam date. For a comprehensive guide to the bar application process from the National Conference of Bar Examiners, and for a list of links to bar admissions offices in all 50 states, visit:

For information about application to the Minnesota bar, see:

Certificates of Graduation (See Academic Rules 2-5)

State bars require that the Law School certify applicants as having met all Juris Doctor degree requirements in order to sit for the bar exam. The Law School Registrar s Office tracks the deadlines and certification requirements for each state to which graduates intend to apply, and keeps detailed lists of certifications by state and by student. State bar certification forms are prepared by the Registrar s Office based on students Graduation Assessment forms and their transcript records. Certifications are forwarded to the Dean or Dean s delegate for signature, and then submitted directly to the bar examiners in each state.

Students intending to apply for the bar outside of Minnesota should submit the appropriate state bar certification form to the Registrar s Office at least one month prior to the certification deadline. The Registrar s Office carefully tracks the bar certification deadlines for each state bar in order to ensure that completed certifications are received in a timely fashion.

Until a bar applicant has completed all Juris Doctor degree requirements, the Law School cannot forward a bar certification, and the applicant may not be able to sit for the bar exam. Students with incomplete coursework are responsible for finishing all required assignments, and for following up with the faculty member and Registrar s Office to ensure a grade is entered.

A Certificate of Graduation is a formal certification signed by the Dean of Academic Affairs certifying a student s dates of enrollment, graduation date, degree, and attesting to the student s character fitness. Certificates of Graduation are typically submitted to a states bar examiner s office in order to verify a student s /alumni s legal education.

To request a Certificate of Graduation, complete the Request Form. attach the state bar certification form if applicable, and mail or fax to the Office of the Registrar.

Requests should be addressed to:

Attn: Assistant Registrar

Office of the Registrar

University of Minnesota Law School

229 19th Avenue South

Minneapolis, MN 55455

Fax: (612) 626-1874

Character and Fitness

The Character and Fitness evaluation process is a critical part of bar admission in most states, and students are encouraged to familiarize themselves with the expectations for practice early in their law school careers. To help with this, representatives of the Minnesota State Board of Law Examiners address first-year students at Orientation and again prior to students graduation in the third year. For information about Minnesota s Character and Fitness evaluation process, see: For admissions standards in other states, consult the applicable state bar admissions Web site.

Student records, including law school applications, may be reviewed by the Board of Law Examiners as part of the Character and Fitness evaluation process. Inconsistencies between the information disclosed on a student s law school application and his or her bar application may subject the applicant to further scrutiny, and require an amendment to his or her law school application. Students seeking to amend their law school application should consult the Assistant Dean of Students.

Other bar admission questions and concerns of a confidential nature also may be addressed to the Assistant Dean of Students. Students are especially encouraged to meet with the Assistant Dean of Students early in their law school career if they have a history of alcohol or chemical dependency, criminal matters, academic misconduct, significant mental health impairments, or other concerns that may relate to the ability to meet requirements of practice. Students should note that no single condition or incident will automatically prevent admission to the bar; rather, bar examiners encourage students to directly address and treat any condition that may lead to a conduct concern or impair an individual s ability to comply with practice standards.

Some states, including Minnesota, have also introduced a Conditional Admissions process, which allows a bar applicant with recent impairments to be admitted to practice under certain conditions and supervision. Evidence of current fitness and rehabilitation from past impairments are often important considerations in the Character and Fitness evaluation process. Therefore, seeking appropriate support or treatment is strongly encouraged.

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