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pre law

#Pre-Law Advising Resources

Preparing for admission to law school.

Pre-Law Advising is an advising support program within the Colleges of Letters, Arts, and Science. The goal of this program is to offer you information and resources on the law school admission process.

Law schools encourage students to study in any discipline. There is not one major that is considered better than another for law school. Law schools are more interested in how well you do regardless of your chosen major. You should focus on developing excellent writing, research, and analytical skills. Follow your interests and strengths; do what you enjoy and you will do well. It is more important to do your best than to take a heavy course load. It is not beneficial to complete your degree a year or semester early just to impress law schools.

The CLAS Academic Advising Center will help you access the information most applicable to you and let you know how Pre-Law Advising can best support you in your pursuit of your professional goals.

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