9:22 AM Online Degrees & Credentials | ||||
Online degrees are an integral part of the future of education. With more online degree programs being offered from online schools and brick-and-mortar institutions, chances are you will experience online education at some point in your life. Generally, schools offer a combination of online degrees ranging from online certificate programs (credentials that can supplement an existing degree) to online associates degrees. bachelors degrees and masters degrees. Some schools offer doctoral online degrees, though they are slightly harder to find. The type of online degree you choose to pursue will depend on what field you are going into. For example, technology students usually benefit from a bachelors or masters online degree, since technology careers tend to require a more in-depth education. Paralegal students may benefit from an online certificate program rather than a full degree, as career success is based more on experience. An online associates degree is a good choice for students seeking to become entry-level professionals. Online associates degree programs offer basic, career-oriented education without the time expense of more involved campus-based or online degree programs. Many students choose to enter a career with an online associates degree while simultaneously pursuing a bachelors degree. However, in many fields an online associates degree is all that is necessary. It usually takes from one to two years complete an online associates degree program. An online masters degree is a graduate-level online degree designed for advanced education in a specialized field. These degrees usually take two to three years beyond the bachelors degree level. Online masters degree programs are just as involved as campus-based degree programs, with the added challenge of learning from home amid potential distractions. It takes a sharp student to excel in an online masters degree program, but the career benefits of having the added knowledge and experience can pay off exponentially.
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