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gilbert law summaries

#Gilbert Law Summaries on Constitutional Law (9780314276179): Jesse Choper: Books

Most Helpful Customer Reviews

Format: Paperback Verified Purchase

Please keep in mind when studying the Constitution, both procedural and substantive law.

Frankly, many an answer on a test was simply answered quickly with just sufficient writing on using, and knowing the difference between procedural and substantive law. Many may interpret my words as over simplistic. Yet I tell you my professors were taken in that I could, and with ease pull the necessary elements from the Constitution to make my argument, again by drawing upon both procedural and substantive law.

The reason why I have chosen Chapter Four is because of DEFENSE. Attorneys, and students of the Constitution will find that in the heat of battle (debate). To construct a defense, you will need to get to the elements in the Amendments of DEFENSE quickly.

One thing the book has omitted and that is 16th Amendment. It is curious, the beginning law student probably would not look for it, and if they did see it probably would not know or realize that many of the DEFENSES, in my Argument of your brief, we might want to bring in those elements of the Amended 16th Amendment. (The Original 16th Amendment was amended and/or deleted on 12/28/1913) The new 16th Amendment was written replacing the Original 16th Amendment, yet most law students and eventually lawyers fail to make the connection. Read more

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Views: 1279 | Added by: mega_tyfuk-1982 | Tags: Law, (9780314276179):, constitutional, GILBERT, Summaries, Jesse, Books, On, Choper: | Rating: 0.0/0
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