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Law Programs in the United Kingdom


What is it that intrigues you to become a lawyer? You may wish to be a successful lawyer in order to enter into politics, business, international finance and banking or simply practice law in your home town or city. A law degree is certainly considered a smart career move, as it commands status, prestige, employment and promotion prospects, and it often has a good income attached to it.

Law and legal activity is the foundation stone of all social change. This means that your contribution to your nation s development can be made through a legal career.

In countries such as the United Kingdom and most of continental Europe, academic legal education is provided within the mainstream university system starting at the undergraduate level. The legal departments of universities are simply departments like any other rather than separate law schools .

Studying law in the United Kingdom means a three year undergraduate degree programme which results in an LLB. This is an academic qualification but is not a license to practice as a lawyer. Lawyers are divided into solicitors and barristers and these people undertake different tasks in which is called a split profession. However, many commonwealth jurisdictions have a fused profession and no such distinction is found. The evidence shows that overseas law graduates usually seek to qualify as a barrister at law before returning home rather than qualify as solicitors, as this takes considerably longer to complete.

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