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legal advice

#Do you need legal advice? Citizens Advice

This advice applies to England

Advice can vary depending on where you live.

Advice for other parts of the UK

If you have a problem that you need help with, you may need legal advice to resolve it. You can get help from a legal adviser who specialises in your problem such as a solicitor or there are many other organisations who may be able to help you.

This page gives an overview of the types of legal advice available and where to get advice.

Who can help you?

Legal advisers are people who are trained in the law to help you with your problem. There are many types of legal advisers including solicitors, legal executives and barristers.

If you need legal help or advice to sort out a problem, it's not always necessary to consult a legal adviser. You may be able to deal with the problem yourself or with help from your local advice centre. This could be free help from your local Citizens Advice Bureau, a housing advice centre or a law centre near you. Some advice centres, such as law centres, are staffed by solicitors and other specialist caseworkers, and can offer free legal advice.

Even if you do need professional legal advice, getting help from your local advice centre may be a good place to start. An adviser can help you decide whether a solicitor or another legal adviser is actually needed. They may also be able to refer you for further specialist help. This may include:

  • assistance from a specialist organisation
  • free legal advice
  • help with your court case.

You may also be able to get legal advice from other professionals such as accountants or other organisations such as trade unions and motoring organisations.

If you do need a legal adviser, you should choose one who has experience in the appropriate area of law.

Other ways to deal with a legal problem

With some kinds of problems, it can be quicker, cheaper and less stressful to use mediation, arbitration or an ombudsman scheme .These are ways of resolving a legal issue without going to court also called alternative dispute resolution.

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