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megans law for the uk...... - The FIAT Forum

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Re: megans law for the uk.

this is pointless because the best solution is even more obvious, once convicted lock them up for a very long time in a very nasty place.

then they cant reoffend, vigilantes cant get them, and there would actually be a deterrent for them.

the 3 choices:

1. under the current monitoring system you can continue to bugger kids without consequence. (as proven in the recent undercover tv programme and by reoffender figures).

2. under a megan's law system you can keep on buggering kids but you have to keep moving home regularly, which in inconvenient, but hardly punishment. there's the small chance of vigilante problems if you dont keep moving quick enough, but the cops and law are still there to protect you.

3. in prison there are no kids.

if i had the choice harsh foreign prisons would take them. a few years in a middle east prison would have them begging for execution, plus it would save uk tax payers a few quid since they dont wate money on satellite tv, pool tables and bedding. they also understand that you cant rehabilitate a pedo.

Views: 621 | Added by: mega_tyfuk-1982 | Tags: Law, megans | Rating: 2.0/1
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