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study of law

#Legal Education - Research - The Lectric Law Library s Study of Law Study

Like a herd of insanely yapping Bengal tigers scavenging the Samoan pampas' temperate desert glaciers for rotting raisinets, our 217 legal information experts -- all former Ivy League Law School Deans -- toil at our luxurious Isles of Langerhans' Command Complex, continuously cruising cyberspace under the watchful gaze of our beloved Head Librarian Ralf, zooming from exclusive enclave to excrement choked slum, searching for the legal materials needed to satiate our beloved patrons' every frivolous whim decadent desire, some of which we humbly present below.

There is no better way of exercising the imagination than the study of law. No poet ever interpreted nature as freely as a lawyer interprets the truth. -- Jean Giraudoux

If you're into legal study and research you're in the right place. We've collected, prepared, and edited tons of legal research guides, course/subject outlines, class tests and real-world info on legal education and being a lawyer.


Our D.C. Bureau Chief (Ralf's brother Rupert) has unearthed a little known law:


Yes, there's such a thing as luck in trial law but it only comes at 3 o'clock in the morning. You'll still find me in the library looking for luck at 3 o'clock in the morning. - Louis Nizer

It could probably be shown by facts and figures that there is no distinctively native

American criminal class except Congress. - Mark Twain


Be prepared, be sharp, be careful, and use the King's English well. And you can forget all the other rules unless you remember one more: Get paid. -- Robert Nix

Views: 607 | Added by: mega_tyfuk-1982 | Tags: Lectric, The, Law, Education, of, Research, Legal, library, Study | Rating: 0.0/0
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