11:22 AM Workplace Bullying Lawyers | McDonald Murholme | ||||
Workplace bullying has been a chronic problem in many industries in particular; healthcare, education, childcare and not-for-profits. It is unlawful bullying to harass and intimidate a fellow employee in the workplace repeatedly and without justification to achieve an ulterior motive and creates a risk to health and safety. That motive may be to attempt to humiliate or force the bullied employee to resign without being paid proper entitlements and where there is no valid reason for that employee to do so. It is not bullying to demand that employees reach standards of performance which are reasonable and for which the employee has the skills and training to meet. Wrongfully, the bullied employee might be required to perform an excessive work level, be isolated or threatened by a fellow employee. It is not just managers who might bully an employee; it could be a competitor for a job promotion or the like. Sometimes it can be done by a manager needing a scapegoat upon whom to shed blame for the manager’s incompetence or error. Other times it is to allow a new manager to bring in a friend or ally. The Fair Work Act (Cth) section 789FD defines workplace bullying as: 1. A worker is bullied at work if (please see below):
2. To avoid doubt, subsection (1) does not apply to reasonable management action carried out in a reasonable manner. What is “reasonable” is commonly defined in law as “reasonable in all circumstances” – an open ended definition if ever there was one. What must be of real concern to any bullied employee is that the workplace bullying is actually an orchestrated attempt to deny that bullied employee an employment right or entitlement. For example if a company’s business is in decline – sales might be down – the management might impose unrealistic sales targets only to later bully the employees not meeting those targets which are demonstrably unachievable. The bullied employee might feel pushed to resign or be sacked. All the while, the bullied employee is possibly entitled to a genuine redundancy. Another example is the older employee, e.g. 55 plus, who has 20 years of service, lots of accumulated sick leave and a high income. That employee might be bullied and made to feel useless and worthless. If the bullied employee becomes too stressed he/she might resign, foregoing all the accumulated sick leave, high salary and other benefits which come from working in a job over a long period. There are many aspects of workplace bullying which entitle a bullied employee far greater rights to legal action than merely a bullying complaint under section 789FC and 789FF of the Fair Work Act (Cth). Any bullied employee needs to have a good hard look at what’s really going on before jumping to the conclusion that they merely need to make a bullying complaint at the Fair Work Commission in the hope that the Commission will be able to help them. It may well be low cost to pay $67.20 to lodge a complaint but if the company has a high powered “gung ho” HR Department the battle may be long and difficult, stressful and exhausting. Being unrepresented by lawyers when facing a highly qualified lawyer who is a company HR Manager can make the contest rather one sided. So, who should make an application under the Fair Work Act (Cth) bullying provisions?
Conclusion It can be a mistake to lodge a workplace bullying complaint to the Fair Work Commission if other more suitable or appropriate remedies are available. If you feel like you are being bullied at work and wish to lodge a bullying complaint, it should be checked by a lawyer. The recipient usually will employ a lawyer to ‘take it apart’ . Please don’t hesitate to speak to an experienced employment lawyer at McDonald Murholme.
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