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Pre Law Degree Programs, Online Schools and Accredited Colleges
Your online resource for Pre Law Degree and Career Information. Legal studies, also known as pre law degree programs, are available from many different colleges and universities. Typically, a law student must obtain a bachelor's degree in pre law or a related field before applying to law school and being accepted. Having a high GPA, LSAT score, and a diverse background with experience in legal internships can always help to improve the chances of acceptance into highly selective law programs. A pre law degree will teach things like legal ethics, case law research, legal drafting and writing, and computer proficiency. Prerequisites and core classes will also be required here, which will usually include English, communications, and other basic classes that can aid in a law degree pursuit. The law field is highly selective, but it also has plenty of potential for future growth. Students who are considering a pre law degree need to work hard to become the best that they can be so that their acceptance into the law school of their choice is automatic. There are many legal careers to choose from, but becoming a lawyer is by far the most rewarding and highest profile legal career.