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#International Labour Standards on Child labour

Child labour is a violation of fundamental human rights and has been shown to hinder children s development, potentially leading to lifelong physical or psychological damage. Evidence points to a strong link between household poverty and child labour, and child labour perpetuates poverty across generations by keeping children of the poor out of school and limiting their prospects for upward social mobility. This lowering of human capital has been linked to slow economic growth and social development. A recent ILO study has shown that eliminating child labour in transition and developing economies could generate economic benefits nearly seven times greater than the costs, mostly associated with investment in better schooling and social services. (Note 1 ) ILO standards on child labour are primary international legal tools for fighting this problem.

Selected relevant ILO instruments

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Views: 663 | Added by: mega_tyfuk-1982 | Date: 2015-10-04 | Comments (0)

#International Law.

International Law. unlike most other areas of law, has no defined area or governing body, but instead refers to the many and varied laws, rules and customs which govern, impact and deal with the legal interactions between different nations, their governments, businesses and organizations, to include their rights and responsibilities in these dealings.

The immense body that makes up international law encompasses a piecemeal collection of international customs; agreements; treaties; accords, charters (i.e. the United Nations Charter); protocols; tribunals; memorandums; legal precedents of the International Court of Justice (aka World Court) and more. Without a unique governing, enforcing entity, international law is a largely voluntary endeavor, wherein the power of enforcement only exists when the parties consent to adhere to and abide by an agreement.

Due to the diverse legal systems and applicable histories of different countries, laws ad ... Read more »

Views: 626 | Added by: mega_tyfuk-1982 | Date: 2015-10-04 | Comments (0)

#International MBA

The International MBA (IMBA) at Chapman University is a unique 17-month program providing students with a truly global experience. The program combines the best aspects of our Professional MBA, Prague MBA and travel courses. Students complete the program in three countries and three continents- the United States, the Czech Republic and South America. Students will develop a deep understanding of international business and culture as well as global business trends and opportunities. The program is designed for students who want to pursue careers in international business locally or abroad.

+ - Application Requirements

  • Submit the online application at Apply Now
  • Resume
  • Statement of Intent
  • Official transcripts from undergraduate degree granting institution
    • Send electronically to
    • Send via mail to
Views: 570 | Added by: mega_tyfuk-1982 | Date: 2015-10-04 | Comments (0)

#International law

Nelson Mandela’s legacy has been soiled, but the cause of international justice lives on 28

BRITAIN S prime minister wants to get rid of legislation tying the country s courts to the European Court of Human Rights. Doing so could prompt a constitutional crisis 14

A South American border dispute has implications for international law 146

America s leading legal defender of drone warfare is now teaching a class on international human rights 33

Genocide overshadows other crimes against humanity 16

The Economist explains -32 mins ago

Free exchange July 18th, 10:59

Graphic detail July 17th, 17:12

International July 17th, 16:46

Britain July 17th, 16:01

Free exchange July 17th, 15:43

Gulliver July 17th, 15:30

Views: 596 | Added by: mega_tyfuk-1982 | Date: 2015-10-04 | Comments (0)

#Introduction to the English Legal System

The English Legal System

One of the major European legal systems, Roman law being the other, English law has spread to many other countries, including former English colonies such as the USA, Canada, Australia, and New Zealand.

English law has an evolving history dating from the local customs of the Anglo-Saxons, traces of which survived until 1925. After the Norman Conquest they grew up, side by side with the Saxon shire courts, the feudal courts of the barons and the ecclesiastical (church) courts. From the king's council developed the royal courts, presided over by professional judges, which gradually absorbed the jurisdictions (legal powers) of the baronial and ecclesiastical courts. By 1250 the royal judges had amalgamated the various local customs into the system of common law – that is, law common to the whole country. A second system known as equity developed in the Court of Chancery, in which the Lord Chancellor c ... Read more »

Views: 709 | Added by: mega_tyfuk-1982 | Date: 2015-10-04 | Comments (0)

#Internet Privacy: A New Bill Finally Offers Protections

It should not come as a surprise to anyone these days that Internet companies have digital dossiers on all of us — the websites we visit, the friends we ve sent emails to, the photos we re tagged in, the medical symptoms we ve searched for. But there has never been any way for us to know just what these companies know about us — or who they re selling our information to.

But that could finally be about to change — in California, which is on the cutting edge of technology policy, and perhaps, eventually for the whole nation. A long-overdue bill in the California legislature, The Right to Know Act, would force companies such as Google and Facebook to reveal what personal information they have collected and how it s being used.

The public cares about Internet privacy — even though tech companies like to argue otherwise — and opinion polls show strong support for laws to protect it. In one national poll, responden ... Read more »

Views: 571 | Added by: mega_tyfuk-1982 | Date: 2015-10-04 | Comments (0)

#James Madison University - Pre-Law Program

Welcome to the JMU Pre-Law Program webite. This site provides current JMU students and alumni with information about ABA-accredited law schools, LSAT information, law school admission practices, law-related events and activities at JMU, and a range of resources intended to help students identify appropriate schools for application.

Students should view a Pre-Law preparation as a four-year process of exploring and developing their talents and interests. Many pre-law students will choose to attend law school and practice law, while others will not. In the end, all students will benefit from attentive advising, demanding coursework, and quality co-curricular experiences whether or not they choose to attend law school.

If you have additional concerns or questions regarding law school after you have read the information provided on this website, you may schedule an appointment with an advisor see the list of JMU Pre-Law advisor ... Read more »

Views: 608 | Added by: mega_tyfuk-1982 | Date: 2015-10-04 | Comments (0)

#International trade

International trade law: an overview

International trade is “the exchange of goods [or] services” “between nations.” Black’s Law Dictionary 285, 1529 (8th ed. 2004).

Sources of international trade law

Constitutional. federal. and international laws govern international trade between the United States and foreign nations (or persons or entities therefrom). Federal and international laws address a wide range of trade issues, such as customs duties, dumping, embargoes, free trade zones, intellectual property, quotas, and subsidies.

The Commerce Clause of the U.S. Constitution empowers Congress to “regulate commerce with foreign nations,” U.S. Const. Art. I, § 8, cl. 3. while other Article I provisions empower Congress to “lay and collect taxes, duties, imposts, and excises,” id. at Art. I, § 8, cl. 1. and prohibit states from doing the same without congressional approval, id. at Art. I, § 10, cl. 2. Pursuant to ... Read more »

Views: 505 | Added by: mega_tyfuk-1982 | Date: 2015-10-04 | Comments (0)