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foreclosure laws

#Connecticut Law About Foreclosure

Information from Connecticut Judicial Branch:

Research guides prepared by the Connecticut Judicial Branch law librarians:

Connecticut Fair Housing Center

Foreclosure Prevention Clinics - The Center’s foreclosure prevention legal clinics in Hartford and Fairfield County are open to any homeowner facing foreclosure. No pre-registration is required. There is no charge.
  • You asked for a summary of the potential impact of requiring banks to (1) set a floor on any given short sale price in Connecticut and (2) accept or reject offers above that threshold within a certain time period.
  • Mortgage Modification Programs in Connecticut - 2013-R-0075

    You asked for a summary of mortgage modification programs available in Connecticut, particularly those under the Federal Housing Finance Authority (FHFA). This report identifies some of the main programs that are available in Connecticut.
  • You asked for information about various foreclosure prevention programs offered by the U.S. Dept of Housing and Urban Development (HUD).
  • Home Affordable Refinance Program (HARP) - 2012-R-0023

    You asked for information on the federal Home Affordable Refinance Program (HARP).
  • Foreclosure Mediation Program - 2011-R-0331

    You asked a series of questions about the foreclosure mediation program. The questions and answers appear below.

    You asked for a summary of the foreclosure prevention programs in recently passed Connecticut and federal laws and how borrowers can access them.
  • Foreclosures - 2007-R-0164

    You asked [1] for a brief history of the Connecticut Housing Finance Authority's [CHFA] Emergency Mortgage Assistance Program, [2] for information about Pennsylvania's Mortgage Assistance Program, [3] for data on the recent increase in foreclosure rates, and [4] about Connecticut's foreclosure prevention law.

  • Connecticut Department of Consumer Protection:

    Views: 590 | Added by: mega_tyfuk-1982 | Tags: Law, connecticut, foreclosure, about | Rating: 0.0/0
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