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can my friend drive my car

#Does Lending your Car affect our Auto Policy

and They Get Into an Accident?

Experts say most comprehensive coverage allows for a driver who has been given permission from the policyholder to drive the car without penalty.

Stuff happens. It s part of the reason why we need insurance in the first place. And we understand that at some point someone who is not named in your auto policy may end up driving your car. A neighbor desperately needs to run an errand; a friend takes the wheel on a long trip. Whatever the reason, it s bound to happen.

The good news is that most insurance policies with comprehensive coverage allow a policyholder to give another person permission to drive the car without penalty. In most cases, your auto insurance policy will cover the other driver with the same benefits that you currently receive.

Just make sure that any driver you lend your car to is properly licensed, and that new regular users of a car, such as teenagers, are formally added to the policy.

The answer can also change based on the company providing your insurance or the state you live in. So be sure to check your specific auto policy before allowing others to drive.

Knowing the fine details of your policy will help you decide whether or not to let others use your vehicle, while common sense -- such as not lending your car to someone with a poor driving record -- should help avoid the situation in the first place.

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Views: 551 | Added by: mega_tyfuk-1982 | Tags: Affect, Car, Lending, our, auto, Your, policy, does | Rating: 0.0/0
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