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#National Academy of Elder Law Attorneys

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Analysis Ranks Best States for Disability Services

July 17, 2015

A diverse group of states spanning the nation came out on top in an annual ranking of services for people with intellectual and developmental disabilities.

Housing to Mix Adults With Autism, Typically-Developing Residents

July 16, 2015

In what may be the first project of its kind in the nation, local developers are building an apartment complex that will house adults with autism alongside typically-developing residents.

Feds: Most States Failing to Meet Special Ed Obligations

July 15, 2015

Federal officials indicate that less than half of states are meeting their obligations under special education law.

How Government Coaches Can Help Veterans With Their Money

July 14, 2015

A recently launched program from the Consumer Financial Protection Bureau offers a different kind of support.

New Ways to Pay for Long-Term Health Care

July 13, 2015

Those who truly need life insurance to protect heirs are best served by a stand-alone life insurance policy, Sanow said, since the death benefits that combination policies offer are paltry by comparison.

Widower Gets $909 Bill from Social Security

July 10, 2015

Before the marker was ready for Betty's spot at Mt. Olivet Cemetery, Ralph got a letter from the Social Security Administration (SSA). It offered condolences on his loss. It also contained a bill for $909.

Social Security's Divorce and Survivors Benefits for Same-Sex Married Couples

July 9, 2015

Same-sex marriage has been legal long enough in a couple of U.S. states that its pioneers may qualify for Social Security benefits even if they divorce.

Counseling Has Benefits for Alzheimer's Caregivers

July 8, 2015

"Caregiving has been shown by many research studies to be extremely stressful," says Mittelman. "To have impact on the physical and mental health of the family member. In fact, the latest figures put out by the Alzheimer's Association show health care costs for caregivers (are) approaching $10 billion a year in the United States."

Lawmakers Agree to Help Veterans Agency Fill a Budget Gap

July 7, 2015

Republican lawmakers said that they would support legislation allowing the Department of Veterans Affairs to shift money from another program to cover a $2.5 billion budget shortfall that would otherwise threaten medical care for many patients in coming months.

Housing is most Americans' most important source of retirement security. So a sharp reduction in the rate of ownership, coupled with rising rents, is taking a toll.

Views: 744 | Added by: mega_tyfuk-1982 | Tags: Attorneys, Law, of, National, Elder, Academy | Rating: 0.0/0
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