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internet privacy laws

#Internet privacy: how Australia s new laws will work

New privacy laws will come into operation in Australia in March this year. The amendments to the Privacy Act will introduce a new and harmonised set of privacy principles. While there is still plenty of room for improvement, the new laws make some important steps in protecting privacy, particularly with the collection of data online.

The new reforms apply to all bodies that collect or store personal information about Australians. They don’t operate in a vacuum; there is a broad (if somewhat patchwork) frame of privacy laws across the globe, and the way that they interact with some of these different laws will be interesting to follow in coming years. Here’s a guide to some of the changes and some comments from Australia’s information commissioner, Professor John McMillan, on the changes.

How your data is being collected and what it’s being used for

Organisations that collect personal data must take reasonable steps to notify an individual user about that collection. They need to tell you about the circumstances of collection and its purpose. So when you visit a website they need to tell you if they are collecting information on your browsing habits, and the purpose of that collection.

There is a loophole in this principle that could give some wiggle room on this – the act also allows organisations to provide notification of data collection after it has actually been collected, “as soon as possible after”.

The information commissioner said his office would be ensuring there was oversight of those kind of retrospective collections: “The term ‘reasonable steps’ is an objective standard, and what it requires any entity to do is to point to why it gave notification and to explain why that was a reasonable step and point to evidence that backs up what it’s doing.”

Notifications that your data will be sent overseas

One of the most significant changes is stronger laws governing the sending of data overseas. Australians’ data is routinely sent overseas, and the new principles attempt to impose a greater burden to the entity that sends the data overseas, by stating the entity in Australia must take “reasonable steps” to ensure the principles are not breached overseas.

McMillan says a good example of reasonable steps could be contractual measures. So if a cloud service provider is planning on sending data overseas, it should have a contract in place to make sure data will not be misused.

Once again there is an exception that some organisations may attempt to rely on. If the overseas entity is subject to a “substantially similar” privacy law it does not have to take reasonable steps to ensure data is used in accordance with Australia’s laws. The question of what is a substantially similar regime is not clear, and McMillan said his office would not be compiling a global list of accredited regimes; each would be decided on a case by case basis.

“It’s not practical for us as a little office to do a global analysis and draw up an accredited list. Privacy regulators elsewhere have faced the same thing and they shy away from the difficulty of drawing up that list. The message you get from that is the onus is on the individual entity to ensure adequate privacy protection.”

Right to access your personal information from private entities

The reforms also create a stronger right to access personal information from private entities. While it was already possible to access personal information from government agencies under freedom of information laws, the privacy reforms take this a step further – there is now a separate right to request information from private corporations and entities that could hold personal information.

An obvious example of this is for companies such as Facebook and Google – in theory you can now find out how much data they hold on you, what format they hold it in, and whether they have disclosed that information to other parties. The entities are obliged to provide the information to you, but can impose some charges if there is a cost to retrieving the information.

The right of access is more flexible than under the Freedom of Information Act. Private organisations only need to respond in a “reasonable amount of time” but the commissioner’s guidelines suggest that 30 days would be reasonable in most situations. You also cannot appeal against an adverse decision to the commissioner’s office – but you can still lodge a complaint with the commissioner, which might be able to assist in getting hold of the information.

Enhanced powers for the information commissioner

The information commissioner’s powers have been strengthened under the reforms, allowing him to impose tougher penalties and issues binding decisions resulting from investigations and review applications. The limited resources provided to the commissioner may be an issue in enforcing this, particularly if the commissioner needs to go to the federal court to impose penalties on an entity; the court costs would have to be borne by the commissioner, a cost his office currently cannot afford under its budget.

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