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jobs in law

#Graduate Jobs in Law

There are many career paths in law, although students most commonly become either Solicitors or Barristers.

If you work as a solicitor you may find yourself working for a law firm, but you might work in central or local government, an in-house legal department (for example, a bank or corporation), the Crown Prosecution Service or the magistrates' courts.

A career as a solicitor will demand several qualities of you:

  • intellectual ability
  • versatility
  • people skills / a desire to work with and for people
  • commitment

If you want to become a solicitor you should weigh up carefully the cost of training that's required to complete the qualification process. A number of funding options are available to you although students are by no means guaranteed to receive any form of financial assistance.

The following wiki articles provide further and more detailed information regarding graduate jobs in law. They should be helpful, as part of your graduate job or training contract search process.

Graduate Jobs in Law - Barrister

Barristers present legal cases to court on behalf of their clients. This article details both the work of a Barrister and the career path for getting in to the profession.

Legal Interview Preparation

Preparing for legal interviews is vitally important. If you have been invited to an interview. it is because the firm in question is extremely interested in you and is keen to find out more about you, but to get the job you must seal the deal by impressing your interviewers.

Other Careers in Law

Not everyone who successfully completes the academic stages of legal study goes on to work in private practice. There are many other avenues for graduate with legal backgrounds to work in.

Legal Salaries Benefits

Becoming a Solicitor

Solicitors provide clients with legal advice and may work for law firms, other private companies or even in the public sector. This article details how to qualify and how to find work as a Solicitor in the UK.

Views: 445 | Added by: mega_tyfuk-1982 | Tags: Law, jobs, in, Graduate | Rating: 0.0/0
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