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law of tort

#Kluwer Law International - Kluwer Law Online - International Encyclopaedia for Tort Law

In the General Introduction, particular attention will be paid to the aims of the law of Torts and to the distinction between tort and crime and to the relationship between tort and contract (is concurrence between tortious liability and

contractual responsibility permitted or not? What about precontractual liability?).

For each country, the scope of protection will be tackled as well (are all interests equally protected?).

The monograph is then divided into six Parts: Liability for One's Own Act; Liability for Acts of Others; Forms of Strict Liability; Defenses and Exemption Clauses; Causation; Remedies. Each Part in its turn is divided into Chapters.

Thus, the first part devotes a chapter to Specific Cases of Liability, such as professional liability and liability of public bodies, abuse of rights and injury to reputation and privacy.

Each monograph follows the outline below:

The Author. Table of Contents. List of Abbreviations.

General Introduction. Selected Bibliography

Part I. Liability for One's Own Acts.

1. General Principles.

2. Specific Cases of Liability (are all tort feasors subject to

the same rules).

Part II. Liability for Acts of Others.

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