#Suffolk law
The Suffolk Law Advice Centre is a free legal service provided through a collaboration of the local charity, ISCRE, Suffolk North Essex Law Society [SNELS] and a national Pro bono charity, LawWorks.
We offer 30 minutes of free legal advice in areas such as family, employment, immigration, housing, small claims, wills and probate, community care, personal injury and dispute resolution, from legally qualified professional volunteers
The LAC runs every Thursday of every month, made up of 8 general law sessions, 5 employment law sessions, 2 personal injury session, 4 immigration sessions and 6 family law sessions, all staffed with specialist lawyers.
The service is Ipswich based, but is open to all Suffolk residents or employees.
Appointments are held at our offices, by prior appointment.
We offer a free interpreter service, on request, and can offer telephone advice in some cases.
Are you representing yourself? Click the button to find procedural advice, self help guides and details of where you can find free advice locally.
Push the button for more information about what s going on at the Suffolk Law Advice Centre.
Book an Appointment by completing the application form [click HOW?] and emailing it to lawadvicecentre@iscre.org.uk or by ringing 01473 408111