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Center on Children Families Levin College of Law

Professor Jackson Honored By Colleagues

The report was written by University of Florida researchers Joseph Calvin Gagnon, Ph.D. associate professor in the Department of Special Education; Brianna L. Kennedy-Lewis, Ph.D. assistant professor in the School of Teaching and Learning; and Sungur Gurel, M.A. Afilliated faculty of the Center on Children Families

CCF File Briefs with United States Supreme Court

Adoptive Couple v. Baby Girl

The Center on Children and Families has filed an Amicus Brief with the United States Supreme Court. The case of Adoptive Couple v. Baby Girl, a minor under the age of fourteen years, Birth Father, and the Cherokee Nation, No. 12-399, is set to decide two issues: whether a non-custodial parent can invoke ICWA to block an adoption voluntarily and lawfully initiated by a non-Indian parent under state law; and whether ICWA defines “parent” in 25 U.S.C. § 1903(9) to include an unwed biological father who has not complied with state law rules to attain legal status as a parent.

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