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law degree programs

#Joint Degree Programs: Degrees - Courses: Maurer School of Law: Indiana University

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Joint Degree Programs

Why Earn a Joint Degree?

A joint degree enables you to earn both a law degree and a master's degree or PhD in another discipline of your own choosing in less time (typically a year) than you would spend if you earned the degrees separately. With a joint degree, you can complement legal study with an in-depth examination of other fields of interest, such as business, public and environmental affairs, or journalism. And your joint degree can be customized to meet your own learning and career goals.

What Joint Degrees Are Available?

JD students may pursue joint degrees in these areas:

Whether in a formal or individually structured joint degree program, you will typically spend your first year at the Law School. Thereafter, course time is divided between the Law School and the other school or department, depending on the best way to meet your educational objectives and the program requirements.

If you are interested in a joint degree, you must apply to a law school degree program and meet the specific application requirements defined by the joint degree program.

Views: 379 | Added by: mega_tyfuk-1982 | Tags: Law:, Degree, of, Indiana, Degrees, joint, Programs:, School, Courses:, Maurer | Rating: 0.0/0
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