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online jd programs

#SMU Dedman School of Law - J. D. Programs

J.D. Programs

SMU Dedman School of Law offers both a full-time, three-year J.D. program and a four-year, part-time evening J.D. program. Approximately 150-160 students are enrolled in entering full-time classes and approximately 60-70 students are enrolled in entering part-time evening classes. All entering law students must begin during the fall semester in August.

How to apply. The goal of our admissions process is to identify applicants who will flourish in law school and who will gain a distinct lifelong advantage by having attained a Dedman law degree. The application process is our opportunity to look at you as a whole person. We want to know about you and your accomplishments. More .

Joint degrees. The law school offers two joint degree programs, a J.D. /M.A. in Economics and a J.D. /M.B.A. The J.D./M.A. in Economics is offered in connection with the SMU Department of Economics in Dedman College and the J.D./M.B.A. is offered in connection with the Cox School of Business. More .

Transfer students. Students who have successfully completed the first year of law school may apply for admission with advanced standing. Transfer students may apply to begin in the fall, spring, or summer terms. Admission is selective. More .

Visiting students. When possible, we are happy to accommodate students who need to attend SMU on a visiting basis. Students must receive permission from their home law schools to be eligible to visit. More .

Admissions events. In addition to hosting on-campus events, members of the Admissions staff travel throughout the United States to attend various recruiting events and visit with prospective students. More.

Experience the Socratic Method. The First Day of Law School Tutorial is designed to help prospective law students understand how the Socratic Method of instruction used in law school differs from other methods of instruction. More .

Stats and facts. In this section, you will learn more about our distinguished class profile, employment statistics, bar passage, curriculum, and facilities. More .

Contact us. The law school Admissions Office can be reached by emailing or 214-768-2550.

Views: 679 | Added by: mega_tyfuk-1982 | Tags: D., Law, J., of, SMU, Programs, Dedman, School | Rating: 0.0/0
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