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arizona immigration laws

#At a glance: Supreme Court decision on Arizona s immigration law

The U.S. Supreme Court ruled largely in favor of the federal government in a case involving Arizona's immigration law (SB1070), striking down most of its key provisions. However, it upheld the most controversial provision involving police checks on people's immigration status while enforcing other laws.

A 5-3 ruling

The majority included Justice Anthony Kennedy, Chief Justice John Roberts, Justice Steven Breyer, Justice Ruth Bader Ginsburg and Justice Sonia Sotomayor.

The minority included Justice Antonin Scalia, Justice Clarence Thomas and Justice Samuel Alito.

"Arizona may have understandable frustrations with the problems caused by illegal immigration while that process continues, but the state may not pursue policies that undermined federal law," Justice Anthony Kennedy wrote in the majority opinion.

"The national government has significant power to regulate immigration" -- Justice Anthony Kennedy

"If securing its territory in this fashion is not within the power of Arizona, we should cease referring to it as a sovereign state," Scalia wrote in the dissent backed by Justices Samuel Alito and Clarence Thomas.

Key provisions


The court let stand one of the most controversial parts of the bill -- a provision that lets police check a person's immigration status while enforcing other laws if "reasonable suspicion" exists that the person is in the United States illegally.

Struck down

The Supreme Court's 5-3 ruling struck down key parts of the Arizona law. Provisions struck down included:

Authorizing police to arrest immigrants without warrant where "probable cause" exists that they committed any public offense making them removable from the country.

Making it a state crime for "unauthorized immigrants" to fail to carry registration papers and other government identification.

Forbidding those not authorized for employment in the United States to apply, solicit or perform work. That would include immigrants standing in a parking lot who "gesture or nod" their willingness to be employed.

By the numbers

Illegal immigrants in the U.S. 2005-2011

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