Home » 2016 » September » 3 » Gun Control Laws Don t Work - Gun Control Does - Freedom Outpost
9:06 PM
Gun Control Laws Don t Work - Gun Control Does - Freedom Outpost

In almost every study conducted, where law abiding citizens are allowed to be armed and there are lots of them, crime rates go down. Why does government not understand this? The truth is in most instances they do, at least the hardcore anti-gun crowd. They know exactly what they are doing.

However, I do believe there is a portion of the anti-gun crowd that are simply afraid of guns for whatever reason. I assume they are much like some people I know, in that they have never fired a gun, handled one, or actually been around people who responsibly carry a weapon. To them, I say, "Get over your fear, by gaining knowledge: first hand knowledge."

But getting back to the issue of government, in cities where there are strict gun control laws, crime increases. It's quite simple actually. The people with guns are either government or criminals. In some case, they end up being the same, as we have seen in recent months in regards to Chicago.

The law abiding citizen wants to comply with the law so that they are not a criminal and yet these laws are anti-constitution, anti-self-defense, anti-Second Amendment. Above all, they are pro-criminal.

I say pro-criminal because the law itself does not stop criminal activity. It is only designed to say what is criminal and allow for punishment.

In contrast, an armed citizen, knowledgeable and trained with their weapon, can and often is used to stop criminal activity dead in it's tracks, sometimes quite literally. While everyone has a right to both keep and bear arms, they should also be responsible and educate themselves with their weapon. Failing to do so is simply asking for trouble.

If you don't think I'm right, just take a look at cities with outrageous gun laws (frankly all gun laws are outrageous) like Chicago, Washington D.C. and New York City.

Take Chicago for instance. They began a program called Don't Kill A Dream, Save A Life. This programs is designed to have ordinary citizens turn in weapons and receive a $100 gift card. That's all they are willing to give for a gun. They'll even give you $10 fora BB-gun.

The City of Chicago, in a public statement, said :

“people come out that have weapons lying around the house, or weapons, maybe, that they don’t necessarily want in their house. This is a chance to get some money for their weapon, and get another dangerous weapon on the street.”

The problem with this concept is that it does nothing to stop criminals. It also involved lots of churches as collection sites. Where are the people who cry about separation of church and state?

The point is that no matter what government does with gun control laws they will never be effective. The only gun control one needs is begin able to hit their target and live to tell about it.

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