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Lois law slideshare

    1. G. Wolters Kluwer I ' Ln Business a Welcome to LoAslawConnect 4- ' .

P"-may Law Secondary Law Loislaw otters corporate law-speci c pcilary law, T, " i W mu treatise s and forms to help you in you business 7 :5. W V nudge mm association research. To search for a particular. mm 3 ,6 53, mm ' doculnentlnatute, click the ''Advanced' Search l0Vn. hA2sf29:gAatvs. g optionitthetopriglt-Itandconierottlie 7 CM am I Oaths; Mmewga Amuse rm 9 [min Jcu u. am: an Fin: 5 Case E1 TLOxp Public Records A. um we [2 Evan or Free Trix A lueaay I .0 costume ? Click me 51.5. -as '1 team mare About. i-9. nm-AAATUI parcvrrsts 2. PowerSean: h lntemetEicp| oreI' L http: //0-www. lois| aw. com. bianca. pen| ib. du. edu/ snp/ fpopwind. htm -mesa-= mew Search Re ne Results power Search Click here for Help, Tips, and Instructions Click here for Loislavfs Case Law Coverage Articles of Incorporation Entire Doc O I-loadings Only Select Content By: Jurisdiction Court E] E Shoe 2| Elms Once you click on the "Advanced" E ' I"I " I" 'I" search button a seprate window + I: lAttomey General Opinions _ 3 EB publications WI" open. From there, you can type 21 I: Case Law in your keywords and narrow your ECW Rules search by selecting the type of Eizthics. + F, Form Information you want. 3 E Jury Instructions 3] I: Proposed Regulations vi '7 Statutes F Treatises Use ue Power Search tools on the left to begin searching. 3. L http: //0-www. loislaw. com. bianca. pen| ib. du. edu/ snp/ fpopwind. htm = "9" 593" Power Search 7Power Search Colorado Revised Statut 0. Use the Power Search tools on the left to begin searching. Aztzcles of Incoxpotainon. V Click here for Help, Tips, and Instructions Elm" D O "gs on" Click here for Loislavis Case Law Coverage Select Content By: mm court I3 T Jurisdiction prmdq IE D Federal A la E state E] C Alabama El C aska E] I: Arizona E] I: Arkansas E] E I" Califomia _ _ _ _ E. cdmdo Or, using the "Junsdiction" tab, you r- Acts can choose the type of infonnation E dmlnlstrallve Rules you want and limit it to a specific I: Attorney General Opinions. Ema Law junsdiction. Ecour: Rules E Jury Instructions E Proposed Regulation ii I Statutes E] I Connecticut E] E Delawa _| -wan. -. 4. /'. Search Results: (articles of incorporation) (265 found) Intemet Explorer 5 El :3 L tr. i:l ll. du. edu sr ll )1 1 '1. 53" 2 Fzvwer Seat) 0 Search Results: (articles ofincorporation) (265 found) ET . Refine Results V V I W V V V Results sorted by: (articles of incorporation] 7402-102. Articles of incorporation. 7-102-102. Articles of incorporation. (1) The articles of incorporation shall state: 9 Entire Doc Headings Only (a) The domestic entity name for the corporation, which domestic entity name shall T ; comply with part 6 of article e) The true name and mailing address of each incorporator. (f) Repealed. (2) The articles of incorporation may but need not state: Type V ; (a) The names and addresses of the individuals who are elected to January 1, I7 T _ 1959. the articles of incorporation shall state whether cumulative voting shall be ' 3 we " allowed in the election of directors; and, if the articles of incorporation allow * V D5t3tUt 5 cumulative voting is articles of incorporation in form and substance as prescribed by statute. Humphrey: v. Mooney, 5 Colo. 282 (1880). But none of the statements which the articles of incorporation are directed to the articles of incorporation not contrary to the statutes are valid. Hampton v. Tri-State Fin. Corp. _. 30 Colo. App. 420, 495 P.2d 566 (1972). But those portions of the articles of incorporation which 11-41429. Amendment of articles of incorporation. ll-41-129. Amendment of articles of incorporation. (1) Except as provided in section 11411-130.5, if the holders of at least one

third of the outstanding voting stock or shares of any association of such association for the purpose of considering a proposed amendment to the articles of incorporation of such association. setting forth in such written request the substance of each proposed stockholders or shareholders thereof a proposed amendment to the articles of incorporation of such association, the president or secretary of the association forthwith shall call a special meeting of in its articles of incorporation that may be desired, if such articles of incorporation, as so amended, contain only such provisions as it would be lawful and proper to insert in original articles of incorporation made at the time of making such amendment. Except as provided in section 11-41-130.5. no association by any amendment shall so change its articles of incorporation as to work a change in Then, the results page should provide resources that meet your criteria. T " 7-117-101. Application to existing corporations. V C] :1 1' : =-" = -'1: to 117 of this title apply to all existing corporations. (3) Except to the extent the. V V 5l l = "'35 A f 155 a2o14cci-iinc. Contact Us 7 A +,1oo% E 7 5. 9. Wolters Kluwer Law 8. Business slawConne(t Store Lawwalch 8 Saved Searches Client Eilli = Srart Page Welcome to LoislawConnect Primary Law Secondary Law Type of Law: Libraries: Case Law Statutes 51 Acts Admin. Rules Regulations Court Rules Jurisdiction. In addition to performing a search, you can also browse through LoisIaw's resources via Treatise Libraries Bar Publications Forms 8 Checklists: Tnaatise Forms R Checklists the "Primary Law" and "Secondary Law" boxes on the homepage. Find a Case Widget (9 TLOxp Public Records Leam More 3 Sign-up for Free Trial Already a TLO customer? Click Here Click here to leam more about the Loislaw/ TLO partnership 6. g Wolters Kluwer Law Business I _n. _. -21 Back flirt Page a Statutes rz Acts Databases When browsing the primary law (e. g. Statutes Acts Databases), click on the le folder icon next to the primary material to browse its table of contents. Select databases. click Continue to proceed. Statutes E: Acts Databases Search All Acts Search All Statutes United States Public Laws of the United States u. s. Code :1 Al U. S. Constitution D abama Acts Statutes D Al aska Acts Statutes 0 Arizona Acts Statutes CI Arkansas Acts Statutes CI California Acts Statutes D Colorado onnec c Public and Special Acts Statutes D Connecticut Code of Evidence D Delaware Acts Code Ci District of Columbia Council Acts Code D Florida Acts Statutes CI Georgia Acts Montana Acts Statutes D Nebraska Acts Revised Statutes D Uniform Commercial Code D Nevada Acts Statutes D New Hampshire Session Laws Statutes D New Jersey Pamphlet Laws Statutes CI New Mexico Acts Statutes CI New York Acts Consolidated Laws D Unconsolidated Laws D New York City Charter D Administrative Code of NYC D North Carolina Acts General Statutes D North Dakota Acts Statutes C1 Ohio Acts Clear All Acts Clear All Statutes 7. 3. Wolters Kluwer Lawlibusmess _ A game : _ueaaigsow * Siw: r : - _dnWatCf3 H-I = $= r

P-s Weicome to LoislawConnect Primary Law Secondary Law 77. 0* ml Livia: To access business association- 43* 1* % related secondary sources, click " " " " """ * on the Treatise link = Huts ft =4.-gin 2 3, M ''"'| "' ' '- on the homepage. = Tn-am am a Checklists Jrijenerr Federal Ema 711': a veer. 1 TLOxp Public Records . erla'e'dSvgi-icfo Free" u I slreaoyaTuJciistnnier? Ciiclrlere * Cudcieretaiearrnioreabonlne ; orsiaw TL DiftlIer. ID 8. 9. Wolters Kluwer Law Business LoislawConnect Store Lawwatch 8 Saved Searches Client Billing Timer - Start Page 0 Treatise Libraries From the Treatise Libraries page, click on the "Business Practice Law Library" link Treatise Libraries - Forms Checklistso Family Law Library0 - Bromberg H Ribstein on Partnershipso General Litigation Library0 - Aspen / CCH Bankruptcy Law Library0 Insurance Law Libraryo Intellectual Property Law Libraryo - Business Torts Law Library i Internet and E-Commerce Law Libraryo - Constmction Law Library0 Law Practice Resources Libraryo - Consumer Finance Law Library 0 Licensing Agreements Library 0 - Drunk Driving Defense 0 Limited Liability Company Library 0 - Elder Law Library0 Mallet Trial Practice Library 0 - Employrrlent Discrimination Law Library 0 Personal Injury Law Libraryo - Employment Law Library 0 Product Liability Law Library 0 - CCH State-Specific Employment Law Libraryo Real Estate Law Libraryo - Estate Planning Law Library 0 Remedies Library 0 ' 5/idence Ubfinl 0 Section 1983 Litigation Library0 9. Business Practice Law Library Search All Databases Aspen - Forms R Checklists 3 Limited Liability Company Et Partnership Answer Book 9 Online Business Filings 0 Entity Wizard State-Specific Business Practice Law Databases Specialized Business Entities Taxation Law 8 Practice Q Missouri: Moliar - Bankruptcy Practice 9 Business Transitions 9 Corporate Organization and Operation New York: NVSBA - NVPMS Business/ Corporate Law and Practice 9 Lawyers Deskbook C New York Lawyers Formbook O New York Municipal Formbook 3 Clear All Databases l'uw. r L dF(ii : ev * Advanced Li Entim Do: i :1 Haadings only Training 3 Support Help My Account The "Aspen" resources in the Business Practice Law Library contain select business association treatises, which are listed on main page. "Drafting Limited Liability company Operating Agreements" is a comprehensive LLC-speci c treatise. You can also search within these resources by placing a "check mark" next to the resource and clicking "continue" Log Out 10. 9, Wolters Kluwer Law Business Loislawtonnect Store Lawwatch 8 Saved Searches Client Eilling Timer - Start Page Treatise Librines Business Practice Law Ubrary 0 Search: Draiiiig Limited Liability Conpaiiy Operating Agreeinem Search: Drafting Limited Liability Company Operating Agreements Table of Contents Currency Search Entire Document Then the next page will provide elds for you to perform a search. 11. 9. Wolters Kluwer Law Business LoislawConnect Store Lawwatcli 8 Saved Searches Client Billing Timer - Start Page Treatise Libranes I Eusiness Practice Law Library Business Practice Law Library Search All Databases Clear All Databases The "Aspen" databases also. e. Drafting Limited Liability Company Operating provide select business A F " 3 C k'' " I Agreements _ _ imit Iai ity ompany - artnership Answer scorporation Taxation association forms. To access M these documents, click on the online Business Filings 0 Enmywimd "Fonns checklists" folder State-Specific Business Practice Law Databases Missouri: MoBar - Specialized Business Entities Bankruptcy Practice Taxation Law Et Practice Business Transitions 9 Corporate Organization and Operation 3 New York: NYSBA - New Yofx Lawyers Fonnbook NYPMS Businessl Corporate Law and Practice New Yolk Mum-pal Formbook Lawyers Deskbook 12. Q Forms8tCheck| ists- Business L http: //O-www. loislaw. com. bianca. pen b. du. edu/ snp/ fpopwind. htm 0 Forms E Checklists - Business Prac ce Library (Table of Contents) Forms Checklists - Business Practice Library Cirrenq Forms 8. Checklists Business Practice Library Search E Di Ia All Forms e : E Dra ing Limited Liability Company Operating Agreements E Financing Start-Ups E Limited Liability Company 8. Partnership Answer Book E S Corporation Taxation Guide Once you click on "Forms 8: checklists, " a new window will open. "choosing the Right Business Entity" provides information on multiple entity types. La'm: ; ,= zat. I'i 5 r-7'5 -: iu: i T7.r : 3Uit agr-. u. . v-. -i 13. r _; Forms 81 Checklists - Business Practice Library - Choosing the Right Business Entity - lntemet Explorer wmw duedu rwjvpri _. _ Westminster Law Library E Bloomberg Law __ West| awNext t Lexis Advance Home a] LibGuides Dashboard - Li. I) Eu: Jge:1e;1. -1 . Back. R, H; E [h-: Cl- -Em. 'ce Li: -var, Table 2- Cantenu 0 Farms 5 Checklists - Business Practice Library - Choosing the Right Business Entity choosing the Right Business Entity Practice Appendix Appendix Appendix Appendix Appendix Appeniix Appendix Appendix Appendix Appendix Appendix Appendix Appendix Appendix Appendix Appendix General General General General General General Aids 3a 1: 3a 2: 3a-3: 33: 3C 4 40: 5A: 55: 5c: 6A: 63: 7A: 7B: 8A: Practice Practice Practice Practice Practice Practice Practice Practice corpora e Liuu sample Client Letter when LLP Appears to Be Best Entity Choice Corporate Liquidation/ Conversion 1nto LLP Checklist I Sample client Letter when General Partnership Appears to Be Best Entity Choice Sample Client Letter when Liwited Partnership Appears to Be Best Entity Choice Partnership Agreement Checklist Analysis of Effective Tax sample client Letter when Analysis of Effective Tax sample Client Letter when sample client Letter when Aid Aid Aid Ald Aid sample Client Letter when Nult1 MeMber LLC Appears to Be Best Entity choice sample "Gener1c client or Contact Letter Regarding which Types of Businesses and Activities Are suited for wult1 Member LLcs Sample client Letter when single-Member LLC Appears to Be Best Entity choice checklist for LLC Articles of organization Sample LLC Articles of Organization ion Conversion in o LLC ch. klist Rates on C Corporation Income C Corporation Appears to Be Best Entity Choice Rates on QSBC Incoxe QSBC Appears to Be Best Entity choice S corporation Appears to Be Best Entity choice 1: Saiple Choice-of-Entity Engagement Letter ,1 . workprogram for Using This Product with the software "Interview" ", ature. workprogram for Using This Product without the Software "Interv . w Feature. Effective Tax Rates on C Corporation and QSBC Income. Blank Cradle to Grave Tax Calculator Comparing Results #0. Blank Cradle to Grave" Tax Calculator Comparing Results .9" w"'--' -camznuw LIVES 101 S109-Dy-Side summary Of Entity Attributes 11: summaries of when Each Type of Entity Is Attractive Copyright 5 20I4 CCH Incorporated or its affiliates "choosing the Right Business Entity" has entity-speci c fonns as well as charts that compare the characteristics of multiple entity types. Pass Through Entity and C corporation Assuwing Eventual Sale HQ Pass Through Entity and c corporation Assuring Eventual Asset F1 _. N. http: //0 image. Ioislaw. com. bianca. penIib. du. edu/ graphics/ FORMBUSP/ forms_10-1.rtf K 100 %

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