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#Children Rights Law.

Children's Rights law exists to safeguard children, their wellbeing and their individual rights. These federal and state policies and laws were spearheaded by the children�s rights movement which promotes legal defenses and protections for children by addressing their social welfare; health, education and special needs; child trafficking; child labor and exploitation and how the juvenile justice system deals with minors.

With regard to child labor, the Fair Labor Standards Act (FLSA) protects child laborers, along with other groups. However, because it was enacted when family farms were much more prevalent, the restrictions on agricultural work for children were fairly lax, and continue to remain so. Under general child labor FLSA rules, children under 13 cannot work and children of 14 and 15 years can only work during certain hours for a limited time period. But children who work in an agricultural setting may do so at the age of 9 years if they have signed parental consent. Various organizations have urged the U.S. government to make revisions to the FLSA to address these issues, Human Rights Watch among them. Most recently, they backed legislation known as the Children�s Act for Responsible Employment Act (CARE Act) in 2009, which called for amendments to the FLSA that would, among other things, prohibit minors from working on farms unless employed by their parents, but it never became law.

The American Civil Liberties Union (ACLU) is well known as the leading organization supporting the preservation of individual human rights. And children in the custody of the state are among the groups of people to which the ACLU extends protection.

On an international level, The United Nations Convention on the Rights of the Child (CRC) was formed in 1989, and the U.S. and Somalia are the only two of the now 194 member countries that have failed to ratify the CRC�s treaty regarding children�s human rights internationally.


Know Your Rights!

Children Rights Law - US

The Children's Rights Litigation Committee was created by the Section of Litigation to address the vast underrepresentation of children in all aspects of the legal system. The Committee endeavors to increase the number of children's legal projects and pro bono attorneys to represent children, along with providing training materials and programs in order to assist advocates in providing the highest quality of representation for children.

The Child Rights Information Network (CRIN) is a global network that disseminates information about the Convention on the Rights of the Child and child rights amongst non-governmental organisations (NGOs), United Nations agencies, inter-governmental organisation (IGOs), educational institutions, and other child rights experts.

Children's Rights is a national watchdog organization advocating on behalf of abused and neglected children in the U.S. Since 1995, the organization has used legal action and policy initiatives to create lasting improvements in child protection, foster care and adoption.

The European Children's Network - EURONET - is a coalition of networks and organisations campaigning for the interests and rights of children (defined in the 1989 UN Convention on the Rights of the Child as all persons under 18 years of age). They share a common concern that children's rights should be taken into account in all EU legislation, policies and programmes which have an impact on children's rights.

The Children's Rights Division monitors human rights abuses against children around the world and works to end them. We investigate all kinds of human rights abuses against children: the use of children as soldiers; the worst forms of child labor; torture of children by police; police violence against street children; conditions in correctional institutions and orphanages; corporal punishment in schools; mistreatment of refugee and migrant children; trafficking of children for labor and prostitution; discrimination in education because of race, gender, sexual orientation, or HIV/AIDS; and physical and sexual violence against girls and boys. Children's physical and intellectual immaturity makes them particularly vulnerable to human rights violations.

The Global Movement for Children (GMC) is the world-wide movement of organisations and people - including children - uniting efforts to build a world fit for children.

UNICEF�s mission is to advocate for the protection of children�s rights, to help meet their basic needs and to expand their opportunities to reach their full potential.

To highlight the existence of the most egregious violations of international human rights law and encourage Governments to investigate particular cases, the United Nations Commission on Human Rights has appointed a Special Rapporteur on the sale of children, child prostitution and child pornography.

Children Rights Law - International

The papers and comments in this volume are drawn from contributions to a Workshop on 'Children, Rights and the Law' organized by the Centre for International and Public Law at the Australian National University. The purpose of the Workshop was to use the United Nations Convention on the Rights of the Child as a vehicle for exploring some theoretical and practical problems with children's rights.

Children�s Rights examines sixteen nations, across five continents: Argentina, Australia, Brazil, Canada, China, France, Germany, Greece, Iran, Israel, Japan, Lebanon, Mexico, Nicaragua, Russia, and the United Kingdom (England and Wales). For each nation, the study focuses on the domestic laws and policies that affect child health and social welfare, education and special needs, child labor and exploitation, sale and trafficking of children, and juvenile justice.

National Association of Counsel for Children (NACC) is a non-profit child advocacy and professional membership association. The NACC is dedicated to providing high quality legal representation for children. Our mission is to improve the lives of children and families through legal advocacy

The National Center for the Prosecution of Child Abuse works to improve the handling of child abuse cases by providing: Expert training and technical assistance by experienced attorneys; A clearinghouse on child abuse case law; Research on substantive child abuse information

The mission of the National Court Appointed Special Advocate (CASA) Association, together with its state and local members, is to support and promote court-appointed volunteer advocacy for abused and neglected children so that they can thrive in safe, permanent homes.

Child Abuse

Physical Abuse; Emotional Abuse; Sexual Abuse; Neglect; Shaken Baby Syndrome; Fetal Alcohol Syndrome

The American Professional Society on the Abuse of Children is a national organization whose mission is to enhance the ability of professionals to respond to children and families affected by abuse and violence.

Child maltreatment is the general term used to describe all forms of child abuse and neglect. There is no one commonly accepted definition of "child abuse and neglect." The federal government defines child abuse and neglect in the Child Abuse Prevention and Treatment Act as "the physical and mental injury, sexual abuse, negligent treatment, or maltreatment of a child under the age of 18 by a person who is responsible for the child�s welfare under circumstances which indicate that the child�s health or welfare is harmed or threatened

Sexual Abuse Laws; Internet Crimes Against Children; Archive of Abuse Laws; Archive of Court Rulings; Child Law Guides & Publications

Mission: Realisation of the right of all children to live free of child prostitution, child pornography and child trafficking for sexual purposes

National Data Archive on Child Abuse and Neglect (NDACAN) is to facilitate the secondary analysis of research data relevant to the study of child abuse and neglect. By making data available to increasing numbers of researchers, NDACAN seeks to provide an accessible and scientifically productive means for researchers to explore important issues in the child maltreatment field.

National Foundation for Abused and Neglected Children (NFANC) is dedicated to the prevention of child abuse and neglect. Other activities include improving the administration of juvenile justice in America. The organization's principal mission is to enable people to prevent crime and build safer, more caring communities.

Strategies and best practices to reduce exposure of children to violence in homes and communities provided by the California Attorney General's Office

The mission of the Child Exploitation and Obscenity Section (CEOS) is to protect the welfare of America�s children and communities by enforcing federal criminal statutes relating to the exploitation of children and obscenity.

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