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franchise law

#European Franchise Federation



a) Loi n° 89-1008 du 31 décembre 1989 relative au développement des entreprises commerciales et artisanales et à l amélioration de leur environnement économique, juridique et social (commonly called the « Loi Doubin »)

Version in English source: Journal of International Franchising Distribution, June 1991

b)Loi Doubin as consolidated on October 30 2007

The French Franchise Federation (FFF)conforms to the European Code of Ethics for Franchising (1972). In addition, it has adopted its own supplementary ethical provisions which apply to the members of the FFF.


a) Ley 7/1996, de 15 de enero. de Ordenación del Comercio Minorista, Boletín Oficial del Estado, 15 del 17 gennaio 1996, Regulation of Retail Trading

b) Real decreto 2485/1998 de 13 de noviembre. por el que se desarrolla el artículo 62 de la Ley 7/1996, de 15 de enero, de Ordenación del Comercio Minorista, relativo a la regulación del régimen de franquicia, y se crea el Registro de Franquiciadores. Replaced by c) below

c) the decree was amended by Royal Decree N° 419/2006 of 7 April 2006 (Boletín Oficial del Estado, number 100 of 27 April 2006) which modifies Real Decreto 2485/1998 de 13 de noviembre, relativo a la regulación del régimen de franquicia y el registro de franquiciadores. Replaced by d) below

d) the decree was again amended by Royal Decree N° 201/2010 of 26th February 2010 por el que se regula el ejercicio de la actividad comercial en régimen de franquicia y la communicacion de datos al registro de franquiciadores. Version in Spanish:

This law implements a pre-contractual disclosure obligation which targets trade and commercial enterprises and networks. It is similar in spirit to the French Loi Doubin, but is specific to franchising, which it defines.

Spain also requires that all franchise systems (national or foreign) operating on its territory be registered in a dedicated franchise registry.

The Spanish French Franchise (AEF) Federation conforms to the European Code of Ethics for Franchising (1972). In addition, it has adopted its own supplementary ethical provisions which apply to the members of the AEF.

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