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law programs

#Academics and Courses

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At NYU Law, academics are about more than just coursework; they are about interdisciplinary intellectual dialogue, first-hand lawyering, and clinical experiences —a nd always, a global approach to training the leaders of tomorrow.

Areas of Study

To get a sense of some of our academic specialties and the first-rate faculty that teach them — as well as the many centers, colloquia, lectures and student organizations that underscore them — explore the Areas of Study section. There you can learn about what we offer in Business, Constitutional, Criminal, Environmental, Intellectual Property and Antitrust, International, Labor and Employment, Procedure, and Tax Law. You can find out about our outstanding Clinical and Interdisciplinary programs, too.

Professional Pathways

In some Areas of Study we set out Professional Pathways — curricular advice for JD students on how to best prepare for a career in a particular area such as Civil Litigation. Criminal Practice. Global Legal Practice. Intellectual Property and Information Law. Law and Business. and Tax. Of course, these are just a few of the practice areas open to our students. We support students who are interested pursuing all kinds of employment after law school, including judicial clerkships and careers in law or accounting firms, corporations, public interest organizations, government or academia .

Graduate Programs

Our Graduate Division—one of the largest and most diverse in the nation—offers nine different full-time LLM degrees. A traditional LLM program, and eight specialized ones. In the traditional program, students shape a course of study to meet their own objectives. In the specialized programs, they pursue most of their coursework in one area, with some flexibility to take classes in other areas of interest. NYU Law also offers a JSD program. an Advanced Professional Certificate in Law and Business. and an Advanced Professional Certificate in Taxation. as well as two online master’s degrees: the Executive LLM in Taxation for lawyers, and the MSL in Taxation. a program designed for accountants and non-lawyers who have at least three years of professional experience with substantive tax issues.

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