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texas state laws

#Commonly Requested Legal Forms

The library often receives requests for legal forms. Below we provide links to third-party websites that freely provide some of the more commonly requested legal forms. If you have questions about how to use these forms or whether they are appropriate for your situation, you will need to seek advice from an attorney because the library is unable to determine what form you should use and we cannot assist you in filling out any form.

New!  The library now offers remote access to Stevenson's Legal Forms Practice Guide for Texas  as well as to our digital collection of e-books and practice guides to our patrons! This means you can access hundreds of legal forms from home without having to visit the library in Austin. Stevenson's offers legal forms and practice tips related to divorce and family law, criminal law, real property transactions, wills and trusts, estate planning, probate, contracts and agreements, corporations and partnerships, and many other areas of law. Similary, our digital collection of e-books has many practice guides that walk you through certain legal procedures. Texas residents can register for a library account online to access our remote resources  from home.

If you do not find what you are looking for on this page or on our databases, you may need to visit a law library in person to consult legal form books and legal practice guides in person. To find a law library near you, see our listing of county law libraries and our listing of university law libraries .

Court-Approved Forms

On that page you can find the divorce forms that were approved by the Supreme Court of Texas  [PDF] for use in uncontested divorces that do not involve children or real property.

You can also find the petition for an order of nondisclosure approved by the Office of Court Administration along with instructions and the accompanying court order.

The Court of Criminal Appeals also makes available an Article 11.07 writ of habeas corpus application .

Views: 412 | Added by: mega_tyfuk-1982 | Tags: forms, Legal, Requested, Commonly | Rating: 0.0/0
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