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mba scholarships

#MBA scholarships - University of Edinburgh Business School

Our MBA scholarships attract candidates with strong qualifications, work experience and/or strong leadership skills.

How to apply

After receipt of an offer of a place on our MBA. you may apply for an MBA scholarship.


Executive MBA Scholarship

This scholarship covers up to all the programme fees for our Executive MBA programme. The scholarship is aimed at individuals working in, or with ambitions to develop a career in one of the following 5 sectors — Life Sciences, Financial Services, Renewables, Digital and Food & Drink. To be eligible, candidates must meet the Executive MBA entry requirements and be able to demonstrate strong leadership experience or potential.

TestPlant MBA Scholarship

This exciting Scholarship, donated by the international software business TestPlant, offers a £10,000 bursary towards tuition fees together with a paid internship in the Summer of 2016. To be eligible, candidates must be from China, and must have graduated with an IT-related degree and have at least three years’ work experience in a managerial role in a high-technology company.

MBA Leadership Scholarships

The Business School will offer five MBA Leadership Scholarships, each with a value of £10,000, to candidates who can demonstrate strong leadership experience or potential and have at least 5 year's work experience. This scholarship is available to both FT and Executive MBA students.

Peter Grant Entrepreneurship Scholarship

This Scholarship, donated by successful entrepreneur and Edinburgh alumnus Peter Grant, offers a £5,000 bursary towards tuition fees. In addition to meeting the entry requirements for the MBA, applicants must demonstrate successful prior experience of entrepreneurship activity, including adding value/revenue through innovation in a commercial context.

Santander International MBA Scholarship

This Scholarship, donated by the global banking group Santander, offers a £5,000 bursary towards tuition fees. The award is designed to enhance the international diversity of the Edinburgh MBA, and is open to applicants from Argentina, Brazil, Chile, China, Colombia, Mexico, Peru, Portugal, Puerto Rico, Russia, Spain, Uruguay, USA and Venezuela.

MBA Merit Scholarships

The Business School will offer three MBA Merit Scholarships, each with a value of £5,000, to candidates who can demonstrate exceptional prior qualifications. This scholarship is available to both FT and Executive MBA students.

MBA Diversity Scholarships

The Business School will offer three MBA Diversity Scholarships, each with a value of £5,000, to candidates who enhance the diversity of cultures or perspectives on the Edinburgh MBA. This scholarship is available to both FT and Executive MBA students.

MBA Achievement Scholarships

The Business School will offer four MBA Achievement Scholarships, each with a value of £5,000, to candidates who can demonstrate successful prior achievement in contributing to the improvement of a business, social or public organisation. This scholarship is available to both FT and Executive MBA students.

The Victor H Loewenstein Scholarship

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